Sequence of scripts to run necessary steps to obtain the counts in a bulk sequencing, for both SE and PE samples:
- QC
- Preprocesing
- QC
- Alignment
- Quantification
The scripts run each step either in local machine, in an HPC as individual samples, or in an HPC as an arrayjob.
In your own PC:
bash src/ -r ~project_dir//RAW/ -c ~project_dir//DOC/parameters.config
If you want to change the sample names, simply change the print parameters in line 71. Samples names cannot start with a number.
In the cluster: (ssh user@nodename)
bash /data3/user/src/ -c ~project_dir//DOC/parameters.config -s se
In the cluster: (ssh user@nodename)
bash /data3/user/src/ -c ~project_dir//DOC/parameters.config -q rsem -t se
In the cluster: (ssh user@nodename)
bash -c ~project_dir/doc/parameters.config
The machine number can be found in in the fastq headers:
@HWI-Mxxxx or @Mxxxx - MiSeq
@HWI-Dxxxx - HiSeq 2000/2500
@Kxxxx - HiSeq 3000(?)/4000
@Nxxxx - NextSeq 500/550
@Axxxxx - NovaSeq