- 1️⃣ Start by creating a new wallet
- 2️⃣ Perform an airdrop to interact with Solana
- 3️⃣ Create a mint and mint some fungible tokens
- 4️⃣ To finish, transfer these tokens to a new wallet
yarn keygen
and copy the result into a new file called wallet.json
yarn airdrop 2
this will add 2 sol in the created wallet
yarn createMint
and you get back the token address, in my case 8bJY5ihaN8pk2q6tD4DReC9szKd5JNf7mGSQQR6VejvE
to mint run
yarn mintToken
and you will get back some information like:
Associated Token Account: E3BCfUZhzCXmk7B5LpAa2h9RnJveUFzzEc6mCC5QzUEF Minted 10000000 to E3BCfUZhzCXmk7B5LpAa2h9RnJveUFzzEc6mCC5QzUEF
minted token can be found via block explorer
yarn transferToken
this function generate the receiver address, you will get something like:
To: 3dQqHQcAL8MWpk8xiyMhy4c5UZsBJi2LCqSXyF5ZLgK3 Associated Token Account: 68brdLGxRjkJP65uXSixibrjj7HUywb9yqTjW78SvRhn Amount in ATA: 0 Transferred 1000000 from E3BCfUZhzCXmk7B5LpAa2h9RnJveUFzzEc6mCC5QzUEF to 68brdLGxRjkJP65uXSixibrjj7HUywb9yqTjW78SvRhn
you can find the transferred token here:
to, expected 1 token: https://explorer.solana.com/address/3dQqHQcAL8MWpk8xiyMhy4c5UZsBJi2LCqSXyF5ZLgK3/tokens?cluster=devnet
base address, remained 9 token: https://explorer.solana.com/address/9WnpeFACjpBRhcodxXKHgmKEBdvCEppjEgnMCNjqhYaU/tokens?cluster=devnet