BPF-perftool 🏎️

This repository allows you to compare the 2 BPF probes of the Falcosecurity project using the scap-open tool 👇 https://github.com/falcosecurity/libs/tree/master/userspace/libscap/examples/01-open#readme

Configure the environment 💡

  1. Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/Andreagit97/BPF-perftool.git
  1. Configure the falcosecurity/libs submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule update

Requirements ⛓️

  • libelf
  • zlib
  • libaudit
  • cmake
  • bpftool
  • redis-benchmark if you want to run the redis test, you need a version greater or equal then 7.0.5. You need also the redis-server up and running.
  • kernel version >=4.17 (we use raw tracepoints). If you want to use the modern BPF probe and compile it with success you need a kernel >=5.8

This is how to install the required dependencies for an Ubuntu 22.04 machine:

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y redis libelf-dev libaudit-dev cmake build-essential clang-14 libtool libjsoncpp-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Build the perf stats tool and its requirements 🏗️

  1. As a first thing, you need to compile the stats executable. From the repo root type:
cd src
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make stats
  1. You need the scap-open executable and the elf file probe.o for the old probe. To obtain these files you can use the libs submodule, from the repo root type:
cd libs
mkdir build && cd build
make scap-open
make bpf
make driver
sudo insmod ./driver/scap.ko

Run perf stats tool 🏎️

Now you should be ready to run the perf tool.

cd src/build
sudo ./stats

This tool takes the configuration from the YAML file called stats.yaml. You can simply change the params in this YAML file and run again the stats executable without recompiling anything

Analyze stats

Go to the util directory:

go build
go run .

This should generate a json summary in the "result" directory (the default one is results, but you can change it in the stats.yaml config)