Superhero API

This Spring Boot application provides an API for performing CRUD operations on superheroes. It allows querying, creating, updating, and deleting superheroes.


  • Java (latest LTS version)
  • Maven
  • Spring Boot
  • Git

Run the application

mvn spring-boot:run 

The application will be available at http://localhost:8082.


Get all paginated superheroes

GET /api/superheroes/paged?page=<PAGE_NUMBER>&size=<PAGE_SIZE>

Get a superhero by ID

GET /api/superheroes/{id}

Get superheroes by name

GET /api/superheroes/search?name=<SUPERHERO_NAME>

Create a new superhero

POST /api/superheroes

Request body:

  "id": <ID>,
  "name": "<SUPERHERO_NAME>"

Update a superhero

PUT /api/superheroes/{id}

Request body:


Delete a superhero:

DELETE /api/superheroes/{id}


The application includes unit tests for at least one service. You can run the tests with the following command:

mvn test