A Myriad plugin to generate test classes from behaviors.
PM> Install-Package AndreasDorfer.BehaviorTestGenerator -Version 0.1.7
Given a definition:
type ProjectId = ProjectId of Guid
type Project = {
Number : int
Name : string
type ``create project`` = Project -> Async<ProjectId>
type ``get project`` = ProjectId -> Async<Project option>
And some implementation:
type Implementation() =
member _.Create : ``create project`` = //...
member _.Get : ``get project`` = //...
Then, you can specify the implementation's behavior like this:
type Behavior(imp : Implementation) =
member _.``create a project`` expected = async {
let! id = expected |> imp.Create
let! actual = id |> imp.Get
return actual = Some expected
member _.``getting an unknown project returns None`` unknownId = async {
let! actual = unknownId |> imp.Get
return actual = None
Add the MyriadFile
element to activate AD.BehaviorTestGenerator
<Compile Include="Behavior.fs" />
<Compile Include="BehaviorTests.fs">
Now, AD.BehaviorTestGenerator
turns the behavior into a test class:
type BehaviorTest() =
let imp = new Implementation()
let behavior = Behavior imp
let check property =
property >> Async.RunSynchronously |> Check.QuickThrowOnFailure
member _.``create a project`` () =
behavior.``create a project`` |> check
member _.``getting an unknown project returns None`` () =
behavior.``getting an unknown project returns None`` |> check
interface IDisposable with
member _.Dispose() =
match imp :> obj with
| :? IDisposable as imp -> imp.Dispose()
| _ -> ()
It uses FsCheck. You can find the full example here.
At first build, myriad.toml
is copied to your project:
# ** MSTest **
classAttribute = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClass"
methodAttribute = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethod"
# ************
# ** Xunit **
# classAttribute = ""
# methodAttribute = "Xunit.Fact"
# ***********
It includes templates for MSTest and xUnit. You can configure the emitted attributes by changing the values of classAttribute
and methodAttribute
Modifying myriad.toml
doesn't cause a re-gen of existing test classes. You must touch your behavior files.
is in an early stage. For now, its convention based.
- The behavior class's name must contain "behavior".
- The behavior class must have an empty constructor or a constructor with a single typed parameter for the implementation instance.
- The implementation class must have an empty constructor.
- The behaviors must be public methods with a single parameter (including unit and tuples) and an async result.