
A well functioning drupal distro based on a bootsrap theme

Primary LanguagePHP

Bootstrap Drupal Distro

A well functioning drupal distro based on a bootstrap 5 theme

Software Stack

Local Setup

  • run ./scripts/install.sh
  • start the local php development server via npm start


Folders that need to be persistent:

  • ./web/sites/default/files - public user uploaded files
  • ./private - user and system protected files

php.ini settings to look out for:

  • upload_max_filesize: 10M
  • post_max_size: 10M

The following commands have to be executed:

# php dependency update
composer install --no-interaction --no-progress --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

# production build of the assets
npm install --unsafe-perm
gulp build

# drupal config and database update
./vendor/bin/drush --yes updatedb --no-cache-clear
./vendor/bin/drush --yes cache-rebuild
./vendor/bin/drush --yes cim
./vendor/bin/drush --yes cache-rebuild

# optional: run tests