
Drupal Image Style Generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Drupal Image Style Generator

Drupal Image Style Generator

Allows to generate drupal image styles, based on the theme.breakpoints.yml in the theme.

configure the width and spect ratio of styles per breakpoint: .xs .sm .md .lg .xl

    label: 'Header Standort'
    aspectRatio: 0.59
    width: 545
  label: 'Col 8'
  aspectRatio: 0.48
  width: 545


Can be used in your script (grunt or gulp):

const gen = require('drupal-image-style-generator');
const themeName = 'myTheme';
const themePath = './web/themes/custom/' + themeName;

    themePath: themePath,
    themeName: themeName,
    syncFolder: './config/sync',
    gridSize: 100,


themePath: Relative path to the theme - needs to contain the theme.breakpoints.yml

themeName: the name of the theme

syncFolder: Relative path to the sync folder

gridSize: (Default: 0) Number to which grid the images are rounded up. In the worst case, the image is gridSize - 1 px to big for the breakpoint, but a higher grid will result in lower individual image styles.

convertTo: (Default: null) enables the image_convert style - allowed values are png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, webp

clearCropTypes: (Default: null) If set to true, unused crop.type.aspect_*.yml files will be removed. This can cause a lot of trouble and require you to remove all existing crop definition entities. Should not be done in a live site.