
A fully customized component library that summarizes all the great React libraries out there while maintaining the functionality and flexibility of styling.

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A fully customized component library that summarizes all the great React libraries out there while maintaining the functionality and flexibility of styling.

We compile other popular component libraries like React-Bootstrap, Material UI, Ant Design, Semantic UI, Circuit UI, and many more into this one library where we add more functionality and flexibility of styling


Get the latest version:

npm install react-dre@latest


yarn add react-dre@latest

How to use

you can import any component directly from react-dre, for example:

  • import { Modal } from 'react-dre'


we recommend you to import the component from the component modules itself to reduce the bundle size, for example:

  • import { Modal } from 'react-dre/Modal'

To know what component is available and how to use it, visit our official storybook documentation here https://andreas-sujono.github.io/React-Dre/


Current Version (Pre-Release): 0.2.14

Storybook Documentation: https://andreas-sujono.github.io/React-Dre/


  1. ClickOutsidehandler
  2. CopyToClipboard (copy, UrlCopyCard)
  3. LoadingBar (LoadingBar, FullPageLoadingBar)
  4. Modal
  5. Button

Future Development

  • ClickOutsidehandler --> VALIDATION-PHASE
  • Tooltip
  • DropdownMenu
  • Notifications (toast, popup, snackbar, etc)
  • Grid --> TESTING-PHASE
  • table
  • Search bar --> - TESTING-PHASE
  • Input --> Text(All HTML5 input type), Checkbox, radio, Textarea, date, time, dateTime, phoneNumber, country, switch toogle
  • CopyToClipboard --> VALIDATION-PHASE
  • LoadingBar --> VALIDATION-PHASE
  • Confirmation (onCancel, onConfirm)
  • Skeleton / Shimmer loading
  • Pagination
  • Carousel
  • Ellipsis label
  • Progress bar
  • Scroll animation (see react-scroll)
  • Transition animation
  • Autoscroll & scroller && LinkWithScroller (integrate with react-router-dom)
  • Rich text editor (horizontal toolbar, vertical toolbar) --> insert Table, Image, Video
  • Styles
    • Basic css styles: Font-size, Color,
    • CSS styling distribution file
  • more customize style (use props of styles and classNames and defaultClassName to add the flexibility)


  • create storybook documentation
  • create website documentation
  • create guidelines page
  • add unit test for all the components
  • optimize library by not injecting all components to 1 index.es, use different folders to produce different component dist file
  • optimize component that is heavy, for ex: Icon --> we can separate it into its own component like @react-dre/icon
  • create script to release and changelog, see material UI for the example
  • optimize bundle size


We aware that there are tons of other component library out there. Therefore, to make this library the best one. We need to research other library functionality before include it inside React-dre

Similar component libary, these 5 will be our main references :

  1. React-bootstrap
  2. Material-ui
  3. Ant design
  4. Semantic UI
  5. Circuit-UI

Component reference:

  1. ClickOutsidehandler --> https://github.com/airbnb/react-outside-click-handler
  2. CopyToClipboard --> https://github.com/sudodoki/copy-to-clipboard
  3. LoadingBar --> https://github.com/fakiolinho/react-loading
  4. Modal --> https://github.com/reactjs/react-modal


We welcome community support with pull requests, fixing issues, and reporting bugs. Please don't hesitate to jump in.

Development cycle

  1. Features reviewed
  2. Features must go through the TESTING-PHASE, where we test all the component functionality
  3. Features pulled and can be used experimentally
  4. Features must go through the VALIDATION-PHASE, where people can use commercially and reports bug if any
  5. Features is included in the next stable release features.

For more info, please visit CONTRIBUTING.md

Developers and Maintainers

This library is developed and maintained by: