
Keep files up to date in a project workspace

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Keep files up to date in a project workspace


npm install file-updater


Create file .file-updater.mjs that calls the updater function. Place it in the project root next to package.json.


Run npm run file-updater

"scripts": {
    "file-updater": "file-updater"

File: .file-updater.mjs

import { updater, json } from "file-updater";

export default (workspaceDir) => {
    return updater({
        // Simple string updater callback.
        // Get the actual text from the file on disk and return the updated expected text.
        ".gitignore": (actualText, path) => {
            return actualText + "\nlib";

        // Json file using the `json()` utility.
        // Get the actual json from the file on disk and return the updated expected json.
        "package.json": json((actualManifest, path) => {
            return {
                author: "Andreas Arvidsson",

        // Support any custom format by providing the read, update, equal and write callbacks.
        "data.csv": {
            // Read csv file on disk and return actual csv instance.
            read: (path) => csvParser.read(path),
            // Get the actual csv from the file on disk and return the updated expected csv.
            update: (actualCsv, options) => {
                return actualCsv.append("foo", "bar");
            // Compare expected and actual csv instances. Return true if equal.
            equal: (expectedCsv, actualCsv) => expectedCsv.equals(actualCsv),
            // Expected and actual is not equal. Write actual csv to disk.
            write: (path, expectedCsv) => expectedCsv.write(path),


  • To update all affected files, run: npm run file-updater
  • To check if all files are up to date, run: npm run file-updater --test
  • To hide info logging, run: npm run file-updater --quiet

It's recommended to always check that all files are updated before running tests.

"scripts": {
    "test": "file-updater --test && mocha"