This repo contains the relevant files for ....
How to make CUBOTino autonomous: A small, 3D printed, Rubik's cube solver robot
Further robot info at:
An impression of the robot: and
This is forked from the git repo made by heneault (thank you !!!), and updated to latest files versions.
This git repo simplifies the download of the individual files and automates as much a possible the deployment to the Raspberry Pi
This installation has proved to work on different Raspberry Pi models; Please report in case you experience issues.
- Flash your SD card according to the procedure in the document here , Chapter 7, Step1 to Step3
- Put the sd card in the pi and power it. You can monitor the boot process if you connect an hdmi monitor to it but it is not essential.
- Try to connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH. On Windows you can use Putty. On linux and mac you can type directly:
ssh pi@cubotino.local
- If you can't reach the pi like this, you will have to scan your network to find the IP to use
- After you are connected via ssh, type the following commands in the shell:
git clone
cd cubotino/src
chmod +x install/
sudo ./install/
- Make sure the script runs without error until the end. It should ask you to reboot. Type 'y' and hit enter.
- If the question "Reboot (y/n)" does't appear, them the installation is facing issues; Try to fix the errors, and run the script again.
- If the question "Reboot (y/n) does appear, You should get the proper environment after the reboot.
Follow the instructions (saved at /doc folder)
cd ~/cubotino/src
source .virtualenvs/bin/activate
From a shell, you can run the main python script like this:
cd ~/cubotino/src
source .virtualenvs/bin/activate
of course, you can replace
by any other python scripts as mentioned in the documentation.
When everything is tuned and you want to autostart the software automatically on reboot, just type :
sudo crontab -e
select the nano editor '1' then go to the last line of the window and remove the first '#' character of the line . This uncomment the startup script that launches cubotino on startup. You can reboot after to test it.
You can always connect with ssh. If you prefere VNC you can download the RealVNC client (this is the one I use). You just have that start it like this:
vncviewer cubotino.local
It will ask for the credential. Use 'pi' and the same password you use for ssh. You should have a desktop version in this way
Check out the "How_to_make ... .pdf" document (at /doc folder) for further info.
I hope many of you will decide to build your own CUBOTino, and that you'll enjoy it as much much as I did.
I hope you will also post an "I Made it", on the Instructables site of this project (link above);
I can ensure you, seeing a new born CUBOTino makes me feel very well 🙂