
Tower of Hanoi sandbox in Python with graphic UI

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Tower of Hanoi sandbox in Python with graphic UI

A graphics program that will let you play the Towers of Hanoi game. The goal of the game is to move a stack of disks from a leftmost starting pole onto a second pole. Further to the right is a third pole or helper pole to hold disks as they are reassembled on the second pole. The disks start the game stacked largest to smallest on the left pole. At no time may a larger disk be placed on top of a smaller disk.

It will have three poles. The left most and starting pole will is stacked with 3 or more discs of descending size, forming what resembles a pyramid. The other two poles start empty and the goal is to manually move the stack to the center pole. Any moves between the three poles are constrained by the rule that at no time can a larger disk be placed on top of a smaller disk. The initial problem will utilize keyboard input to move a disc, e.g. 1-2, or 2-3, or 3-1 etc. Any moves violating the size constraint will be rejected. I will have two possible stretch goals, time permitting that go beyond the keyboard input. STRETCH 1: Incorporate drag-and-drop with mouse instead of keyboard. STRETCH 2: Have computer do all the moves based on an algorithm and animate the progress graphically.