This is the next generation UltraCart REST API...
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- Build date: 2017-05-16T07:35:10.973-04:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit
PHP 5.4.0 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"UltraCart/rest_api_v2_sdk_php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit lib/Tests
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: ultraCartOauth
// Configure API key authorization: ultraCartSimpleApiKey
ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('x-ultracart-simple-key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('x-ultracart-simple-key', 'Bearer');
$api_instance = new ultracart\v2\Api\AutoorderApi();
$auto_order_oid = 56; // int | The auto order oid to retrieve.
$_expand = "_expand_example"; // string | The object expansion to perform on the result. See documentation for examples
try {
$result = $api_instance->autoOrderAutoOrdersAutoOrderOidGet($auto_order_oid, $_expand);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AutoorderApi->autoOrderAutoOrdersAutoOrderOidGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AutoorderApi | autoOrderAutoOrdersAutoOrderOidGet | GET /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} | Retrieve an auto order |
AutoorderApi | autoOrderAutoOrdersAutoOrderOidPut | PUT /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} | Update an auto order |
AutoorderApi | autoOrderAutoOrdersGet | GET /auto_order/auto_orders | Retrieve auto orders |
ChargebackApi | chargebackChargebacksChargebackDisputeOidDelete | DELETE /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} | Delete a chargeback |
ChargebackApi | chargebackChargebacksChargebackDisputeOidGet | GET /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} | Retrieve a chargeback |
ChargebackApi | chargebackChargebacksChargebackDisputeOidPut | PUT /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} | Update a chargeback |
ChargebackApi | chargebackChargebacksGet | GET /chargeback/chargebacks | Retrieve chargebacks |
ChargebackApi | chargebackChargebacksPost | POST /chargeback/chargebacks | Insert a chargeback |
CheckoutApi | checkoutBrowserKeyPut | PUT /checkout/browser_key | Setup Browser Application |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartCartIdGet | GET /checkout/cart/{cart_id} | Get cart (by cart id) |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartFinalizeOrderPost | POST /checkout/cart/finalizeOrder | Finalize Order |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartGet | GET /checkout/cart | Get cart |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartHandoffPost | POST /checkout/cart/handoff | Handoff cart |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartProfileLoginPost | POST /checkout/cart/profile/login | Profile login |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartProfileLogoutPost | POST /checkout/cart/profile/logout | Profile logout |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartProfileRegisterPost | POST /checkout/cart/profile/register | Profile registration |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartPut | PUT /checkout/cart | Update cart |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCartValidatePost | POST /checkout/cart/validate | Validate |
CheckoutApi | checkoutCityStatePost | POST /checkout/city_state | City/State for Zip |
CheckoutApi | checkoutRelatedItemsItemIdPost | POST /checkout/relatedItems/{item_id} | Related items (specific item) |
CheckoutApi | checkoutRelatedItemsPost | POST /checkout/related_items | Related items |
CheckoutApi | checkoutReturnReturnCodeGet | GET /checkout/return/{return_code} | Get cart (by return code) |
CustomerApi | customerCustomersCustomerProfileOidDelete | DELETE /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} | Delete a customer |
CustomerApi | customerCustomersCustomerProfileOidGet | GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} | Retrieve a customer |
CustomerApi | customerCustomersCustomerProfileOidPut | PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} | Update a customer |
CustomerApi | customerCustomersGet | GET /customer/customers | Retrieve customers |
CustomerApi | customerCustomersPost | POST /customer/customers | Insert a customer |
FulfillmentApi | fulfillmentDistributionCentersDistributionCenterCodeAcknowledgementsPut | PUT /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/acknowledgements | Acknowledge receipt of orders. |
FulfillmentApi | fulfillmentDistributionCentersDistributionCenterCodeInventoryPost | POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/inventory | Update inventory |
FulfillmentApi | fulfillmentDistributionCentersDistributionCenterCodeOrdersGet | GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/orders | Retrieve orders queued up for this distribution center. |
FulfillmentApi | fulfillmentDistributionCentersDistributionCenterCodeShipmentsPost | POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/shipments | Mark orders as shipped |
FulfillmentApi | fulfillmentDistributionCentersGet | GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers | Retrieve distribution centers |
ItemApi | itemItemsGet | GET /item/items | Retrieve items |
ItemApi | itemItemsMerchantItemOidDelete | DELETE /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} | Delete an item |
ItemApi | itemItemsMerchantItemOidGet | GET /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} | Retrieve an item |
ItemApi | itemItemsMerchantItemOidPut | PUT /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} | Update an item |
ItemApi | itemItemsPost | POST /item/items | Create an item |
ItemApi | itemTempMultimediaPost | POST /item/temp_multimedia | Upload an image to the temporary multimedia. |
OauthApi | oauthRevokePost | POST /oauth/revoke | Revoke this OAuth application. |
OauthApi | oauthTokenPost | POST /oauth/token | Exchange authorization code for access token. |
OrderApi | orderOrdersGet | GET /order/orders | Retrieve orders |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdCancelPost | POST /order/orders/{order_id}/cancel | Cancel an order |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdDelete | DELETE /order/orders/{order_id} | Delete an order |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdGet | GET /order/orders/{order_id} | Retrieve an order |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdPut | PUT /order/orders/{order_id} | Update an order |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdResendReceiptPost | POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_receipt | Resend receipt |
OrderApi | orderOrdersOrderIdResendShipmentConfirmationPost | POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_shipment_confirmation | Resend shipment confirmation |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksGet | GET /webhook/webhooks | Retrieve webhooks |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksPost | POST /webhook/webhooks | Add a webhook |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksWebhookOidDelete | DELETE /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} | Delete a webhook |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksWebhookOidLogsGet | GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs | Retrieve the log summaries |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksWebhookOidLogsRequestIdGet | GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs/{requestId} | Retrieve an individual log |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksWebhookOidPut | PUT /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} | Update a webhook |
WebhookApi | webhookWebhooksWebhookOidReflowEventNamePost | POST /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/reflow/{eventName} | Resend events to the webhook endpoint. |
- ApiUserApplicationProfile
- AutoOrder
- AutoOrderItem
- AutoOrderItemOption
- AutoOrderResponse
- AutoOrdersResponse
- BaseResponse
- Cart
- CartAffiliate
- CartBilling
- CartBuysafe
- CartCheckout
- CartCoupon
- CartCustomerProfile
- CartCustomerProfileAddress
- CartCustomerProfileCreditCard
- CartFinalizeOrderRequest
- CartFinalizeOrderRequestOptions
- CartFinalizeOrderResponse
- CartGift
- CartGiftCertificate
- CartItem
- CartItemAttribute
- CartItemMultimedia
- CartItemMultimediaThumbnail
- CartItemOption
- CartItemOptionValue
- CartItemPhysical
- CartItemVariationSelection
- CartKitComponentOption
- CartMarketing
- CartPayment
- CartPaymentAmazon
- CartPaymentCheck
- CartPaymentCreditCard
- CartPaymentPurchaseOrder
- CartProfileLoginRequest
- CartProfileLoginResponse
- CartProfileRegisterRequest
- CartProfileRegisterResponse
- CartResponse
- CartSettings
- CartSettingsBilling
- CartSettingsGift
- CartSettingsGiftWrap
- CartSettingsPayment
- CartSettingsPaymentAmazon
- CartSettingsPaymentCreditCard
- CartSettingsPaymentPayPal
- CartSettingsProvince
- CartSettingsShipping
- CartSettingsShippingCalendar
- CartSettingsShippingEstimate
- CartSettingsTaxes
- CartSettingsTerms
- CartShipping
- CartSummary
- CartTaxes
- CartUpsellAfter
- CartValidationRequest
- CartValidationResponse
- ChargebackDispute
- ChargebackDisputeResponse
- ChargebackDisputesResponse
- CheckoutHandoffRequest
- CheckoutHandoffResponse
- CheckoutSetupBrowserKeyRequest
- CheckoutSetupBrowserKeyResponse
- Currency
- Customer
- CustomerBilling
- CustomerCard
- CustomerPricingTier
- CustomerResponse
- CustomerShipping
- CustomersResponse
- Distance
- DistributionCenter
- DistributionCentersResponse
- Error
- ErrorResponse
- FulfillmentInventory
- FulfillmentShipment
- HTTPHeader
- Item
- ItemAccounting
- ItemAmember
- ItemAutoOrder
- ItemAutoOrderStep
- ItemAutoOrderStepArbitraryUnitCostSchedule
- ItemAutoOrderStepGrandfatherPricing
- ItemCCBill
- ItemChannelPartnerMapping
- ItemChargeback
- ItemChargebackAddendum
- ItemChargebackAdjustmentRequest
- ItemCheckout
- ItemContent
- ItemContentAssignment
- ItemContentAttribute
- ItemContentMultimedia
- ItemContentMultimediaThumbnail
- ItemDigitalDelivery
- ItemDigitalItem
- ItemEbay
- ItemEbayCategorySpecific
- ItemEbayMarketListing
- ItemEbayMarketPlaceAnalysis
- ItemEmailNotifications
- ItemEnrollment123
- ItemGiftCertificate
- ItemGoogleProductSearch
- ItemIdentifiers
- ItemInstantPaymentNotification
- ItemInstantPaymentNotifications
- ItemInternal
- ItemKitComponent
- ItemKitDefinition
- ItemOption
- ItemOptionValue
- ItemOptionValueAdditionalItem
- ItemOptionValueDigitalItem
- ItemPaymentProcessing
- ItemPhysical
- ItemPricing
- ItemPricingTier
- ItemPricingTierDiscount
- ItemPricingTierLimit
- ItemRealtimePricing
- ItemRelated
- ItemRelatedItem
- ItemReporting
- ItemResponse
- ItemRestriction
- ItemRestrictionItem
- ItemRevguard
- ItemReviews
- ItemSalesforce
- ItemShipping
- ItemShippingCase
- ItemShippingDestinationMarkup
- ItemShippingDestinationRestriction
- ItemShippingDistributionCenter
- ItemShippingMethod
- ItemShippingPackageRequirement
- ItemTax
- ItemTaxExemption
- ItemThirdPartyEmailMarketing
- ItemVariantItem
- ItemVariation
- ItemVariationOption
- ItemWishlistMember
- ItemsResponse
- OauthRevokeSuccessResponse
- OauthTokenResponse
- Order
- OrderAffiliate
- OrderAffiliateLedger
- OrderAutoOrder
- OrderBilling
- OrderBuysafe
- OrderChannelPartner
- OrderCheckout
- OrderCoupon
- OrderDigitalItem
- OrderDigitalOrder
- OrderEdi
- OrderFraudScore
- OrderGift
- OrderGiftCertificate
- OrderInternal
- OrderItem
- OrderItemEdi
- OrderItemEdiIdentification
- OrderItemEdiLot
- OrderItemOption
- OrderItemOptionFileAttachment
- OrderLinkedShipment
- OrderMarketing
- OrderPayment
- OrderPaymentCheck
- OrderPaymentCreditCard
- OrderPaymentECheck
- OrderPaymentPurchaseOrder
- OrderPaymentTransaction
- OrderPaymentTransactionDetail
- OrderQuote
- OrderResponse
- OrderSalesforce
- OrderShipping
- OrderSummary
- OrderTaxes
- OrdersResponse
- ResponseMetadata
- ResultSet
- TempMultimedia
- TempMultimediaResponse
- Webhook
- WebhookEventCategory
- WebhookEventSubscription
- WebhookLog
- WebhookLogResponse
- WebhookLogSummariesResponse
- WebhookLogSummary
- WebhookResponse
- WebhookSampleRequest
- WebhookSampleRequestResponse
- WebhooksResponse
- Weight
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-ultracart-browser-key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- auto_order_read: Allows you to read auto order information.
- auto_order_write: Allows you to write auto order information.
- chargeback_read: Allows you to read chargeback information.
- chargeback_write: Allows you to write chargeback information.
- checkout_read: Allows you to read checkout information.
- checkout_write: Allows you to write checkout information.
- customer_read: Allows you to read customer information.
- customer_write: Allows you to write customer information.
- fulfillment_read: Allows you to read fulfillment information.
- fulfillment_write: Allows you to write fulfillment information.
- order_read: Allows you to read order information.
- order_write: Allows you to write order information.
- item_read: Allows you to read item information.
- item_write: Allows you to write item information.
- webhook_read: Allows you to read webhook information.
- webhook_write: Allows you to write webhook information.
- ultrabooks_read: 1 of 2 required to use UltraBooks
- ultrabooks_write: 2 of 2 required to use UltraBooks
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-ultracart-simple-key
- Location: HTTP header