
Implementation of Faithfulness measurable masked language models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Faithfulness measurable masked language models

This repo contains the code for the paper faithfulness measurable masked language models.

A faithfulness measurable model, is a model that somehow supports that the faithfulness of an explanation can be validated. In this paper, we propose masked fine-tuning which makes any permulation of token masking be in-distribution. We apply that method to RoBERTa.

Additionally, we validate that the masking is in-distribution using MaSF, and evaluate faithfullness on a large array of datasets and explanations.


This module is not published on PyPi but you can install directly with:

python -m pip install -e .


The module will then be available under ecoroar. For example, to use the MaSF implementation:

from ecoroar.ood import MaSF
from ecoroar.dataset import BoolQ

tokenizer = HuggingfaceTokenizer(path_to_fine_tuned_model)
model = huggingface_model_from_local(path_to_fine_tuned_model)
ood_detector = MaSF(tokenizer, model)

dataset_split_annotated = masked_test_dataset.apply(ood_detector)

All parts are documented via their docstring. It is recommended to use the experiment reference scripts in experiments/ as examples.



There are scripts for each type of experiment:

  1. Model fine-tuning: python experiments/masking.py
  2. Faithfulness evaluation: python experiments/faithfulness.py
  3. OOD evaluation: python experiments/ood.py

The importance measures used by OOD are calculated in the python experiments/faithfulness.py script.


Each of the above scripts takes the same set of CLI arguments. You can learn about each argument with --help. The most important arguments which will allow you to run the experiments presented in the paper are:

used in step fine-tuning, faithfulness, and OOD.

  • --dataset: The dataset used. Can be BoolQ, CB, CoLA, IMDB, MNLI, MRPC, QNLI, QQP, RTE, SNLI, SST2, WNLI, bAbI-1, bAbI-2, bAbI-3, MIMIC-d (Diabetes), or MIMIC-a (Anemia).
  • --model: The model used. Can be roberta-sl (RoBERTa-large) or roberta-sb (RoBERTa-base).
  • --max-masking-ratio': The maximum masking ratio (percentage integer) to apply on the training dataset.
  • --masking-strategy: The masking strategy to use for masking during fune-tuning.
  • --validation-dataset: The masking strategy to use for masking during fune-tuning.

Use --max-masking-ratio 100 --masking-strategy half-det --validation-dataset both to run the masked fine-tuning experiments.

For example:

python experiments/masking.py --max-masking-ratio 100 --masking-strategy half-det --validation-dataset both --dataset BoolQ --model roberta-sl

used in step faithfulness and OOD.

  • --explainer: The importance measure used. Can be rand, grad-l2, grad-l1, inp-grad-sign, inp-grad-abs, int-grad-sign, int-grad-abs, loo-sign, loo-abs, beam-sign-50, beam-sign-20, or beam-sign-10.

Use --save-masked-datasets to save the intermediate masked datasets used for evaluating faithfulness. These can later be reused for checking for OOD issues.

For example:

python experiments/faithfulness.py --max-masking-ratio 100 --masking-strategy half-det --validation-dataset both --dataset BoolQ --model roberta-sl --explainer int-grad-sign --save-masked-datasets

used in step OOD.

  • --ood: The OOD detection method. Should just be masf (default).
  • --dist-repeats: How many interations of the validation dataset should be used. For MaSF, just use 1 (default).

For example:

python experiments/ood.py --max-masking-ratio 100 --masking-strategy half-det --validation-dataset both --dataset BoolQ --model roberta-sl --explainer int-grad-sign --ood masf

Running on a HPC setup

For downloading the required resources we provide a experiment/download.py script. Additionally, there is a experiment/preprocess.py script.

Finally, we provide scripts for submitting all jobs to a Slurm queue, in batch_jobs/. The jobs automatically use $SCRATCH/ecoroar as the persistent dir.


See https://mimic.physionet.org/gettingstarted/access/ for how to access MIMIC-III. You will need to download DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv.gz and NOTEEVENTS.csv.gz and place them in mimic/ relative to your presistent dir (e.g. $SCRATCH/ecoroar/mimic/).