This source code repository contains useful stuff regarding the subject 'Scaffolding modern JavaScript based web applications by using the C(ouchbase) + E(xpress) + A(ngularJS) + N(ode.js) stack'.
The CEAN stack is based on the following components:
- Couchbase Server / Couchbase Node.js module: A highly scalable distributed KV-Store and Document Database System
- Express: A web application framework for Node.js
- AngularJS: A client side JavaScript MVC web application framework
- Node.js: A JavaScript oriented web service/application platform which is designed to build scalable network application
The tooling is based on:
- YEOMAN: The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps
- cean-cli: A node module which provides a simplified command line interface on top of YEOMAN (TODO!)
- Install the following on your development machine. For instance for Ubunut 14.04:
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get make
sudo apt-get node
sudo apt-get npm
sudo apt-get nodejs-legacy
sudo npm install -g yo
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Change the directory
cd cean/src/yeoman-generators/generator-cean
- Link the Generator by resolving the deps
sudo npm link
- Side note: Double check that you have permissions to $HOME/tmp, if not use 'chown' in order to change the owner of this directory!
- Create a new project directory
cd --
mkdir myapp
- Scaffold a new Couchbase application
yo cean myapp
- Answer the questions regarding 'Couchbase Host', 'Couchbase Bucket', 'Couchbase Password'! Please also make sure that the bucket is existent and accessible with this password. For instance:
== This is the Couchbase CEAN generator ==
appname = myapp
[?] Your Couchbase Host:
[?] Your Couchbase Bucket: cean
[?] Your Couchbase Bucket Password: test
- Wait until all dependencies are downloaded!
- Run the example application
node app.js
- Open the example application in your browser, E.G:
- Click on the 'Add Test Document' button
- Also inspect the log output of your application
- If everything worked fine then you get a success message:
Successfully added a document to your Couchbase bucket!
- Reload the page and you should see the just inserted message:
Hello Couchbase!
- Add sub-generators for controllers, ...
- Follow the 'express' folder structure which is described here:
- Add a Grunt build script which allows to run the client and server side code seperatly or together
- Wrap the yo commands by providing a cean command line tool (E.G. 'cean init $appname' instead 'yo cean $appname')