
Montserrat Z Remix | Montserrat with basic Greek support.

Primary LanguageHTMLSIL Open Font License 1.1OFL-1.1

Montserrat Z Remix Font (Greek Support)

This remix is based on the variable font Montserrat v8.000 by Julieta Ulanovsky (https://github.com/JulietaUla/Montserrat) from Google Fonts (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat). The font has been modified to assure Greek language support using modified glyphs provided by the same font.



What is included?

It was made using FontLab 8 trial version in about a week, so it might still need some work. If you want to contribute, the main source file is located in "sources/Source-FontLab/Montserrat-VariableFont_wght.ttf.21465ee3a80.vfc". Other source files generated by FontLab 8 have also been added in the "sources" folder but are not tested yet.

The "ready to use" fonts are located inside the "fonts" folder in various file types. Notice: The variable font and italics versions have not been generated yet.

The styles included are the following:

-Montserrat Z Thin
-Montserrat Z ExtraLight
-Montserrat Z Light
-Montserrat Z Medium
-Montserrat Z Regular
-Montserrat Z SemiBold
-Montserrat Z Bold
-Montserrat Z ExtraBold
-Montserrat Z Black

Notice: The letter "Z" has been added at the end of the font family's name to avoid any compatibility conflicts with the original family name or web caching issues if you intend to use it on the web.


-Italics version
-Variable font version


Licensed under OFL, derived from the original version. (https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL)