
Algorithms and Complexity (DIT.UOI)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🛑 Work in progress 🛑

Graph coloring algorithms with visualization.

Algorithms and Complexity @DIT.UOI - University of Ioannina

TLDR: This is a Node.js desktop application built with Electron.js, Express.js, Handlebars and 3D force-directed graph component using ThreeJS/WebGL.



The graph coloring problem is an NP-hard combination optimization problem. It involves assigning a color to each vertex of a graph so that adjacent vertices are colored differently, while the minimum number of different colors is used. In the present assignment, four graph coloring algorithms are implemented (First Fit, DSATUR, Recursive Largest First, Backtracking DSATUR) along with the three-dimensional visualization of these graphs in real time. The main application is built using JavaScript and the visualization of the data is done with WebGL using the Three.js component 3d-force-graph. The application can be executed in three different ways, locally on the computer using Electron.js in the form of an executable application, in the Browser/Client locally using Node.js and in the Browser/Client via the cloud respectively.

Quick start

You can run this project with 3 different ways:

  • Visit the online demo or host it locally
  • Download the latest compiled Windows executable and run it locally
  • Download the source code and run it with Node.js as explained below

Once you have done that, you can download the provided datasets, click on "Upload Dataset" and select one to upload and analyze.


The datasets provided are simple text files and are structured as follows: Each single line represents a single entity of data. Each single line/data contains or is assigned to vertices separated by spaces.

For example: A line represents a student who is assigned to exams (vertices) and each space represents a link between those vertices. Based on this example, with graph coloring we can assign effectively a different examination date/time for each exam where a conflict is found.

Getting Started with Node.JS

  • Download and install Node.js with NPM
  • Download, install and launch Git Bash or launch CMD
  • Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/AndreasZorpidis/aac.git
  • and enter into the directory.
cd aac/app
  • Install the dependencies required.
npm install
npm start
  • Or build the app as a Windows executable.
electron-packager . AAC --platform=win32  --arch=x64 --overwrite echo 'Built for Windows'