A Blender 2.79 plugin for importing models from Ocarina of Time 3D.
- @xdanieldzd, for reverse-engineering and documenting the CMB and CSAB formats.
- Twili, for reverse-engineering and documenting the ZAR archive format and various additional research.
- @M-1-RLG, AKA M-1, as his CMB plugin was used as the base of this importer.
- @magcius, AKA Jasper, as their animated model viewer was ported to add CSAB support.
- CMB support
- Multiple meshes
- Rigs
- Materials
- Textures
- Alpha blend modes
- ZAR support
- CSAB support
- parsing files
- rotation keyframes
- Link's animations
- translation keyframes
- keyframe tangents
- Improve latency (especially for Link, his models take ~1 minute to load)
- CMAB support (animated textures)
- Bugfixes
- Custom split normals cause weird shadows on meshes
- Bone orientation is off by 90 degrees
- Support for other Grezzo games
- Majora's Mask
- Luigi's Mansion
- This is meant to be used with Blender 2.79.
- The io_scene_cmb-master directory should be copied into [blender install directory]/2.79/scripts/addons, i.e. [blender install directory]/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_cmb-master.
- Two new import options should appear: File > Import > OoT3D (.zar) and File > Import > CtrModelBinary (.cmb).