Start Up Rails 4 app with Devise, Omniauth, Cancan, Rolify and Bootstrap 3 in mysql

About this app

This Rails 4.0 app uses Devise, CanCan, Rolify, OmniAuth and Bootstrap 3.

This app base can be found at The integration with bootstrap 3 was based on project

The most important changes in this fork are:

  • Added Rolify gem and the Role model (user management model has to use a RDBMS (i.e. MySQL), however for the remain model, developers can choose to use a Non-Relational DB (i.e. mongoDB));
  • Added more OmniAuth providers;
  • "Complete your user information" form, if the OmniAuth (callback) doesn't have all the app "mandatory" user fields;
  • Added Bootstrap 3;
  • Added high_voltage for static pages.

How to use

  1. Update App configurations on the following files:
  • config/database.yml to set the desired database (examples can be found at config/examples)
  • config/config.yml to set some global variables
  • config/environments/development.rb to add correct settings for email
  • config/application.rb to add set app timezone and language
  • config/initializers/devise.rb to set email and external services app_id's, and secret's key (i.e. - facebook, twitter, ...)
  1. Run rake db:migrate

  2. Run rake db:seeds to load first user (admin)

  3. Run rails s

  4. Have fun!