This is what I use to start an automation in Home Assistant when I open the Zoom app. For me, it starts a scene that prepares the lights for video calls and pauses the Sonos speakers.
⚠️ Requires macOS & Home Assistant installed and working
How to use it:
- Create your perfect scene (lights, audio, notificatios, etc) for video calls in Home Asisstant
- Create an automation that starts the scene
- Set the trigger for automation as "Webhook", and give the webhook a name like
- Download the file
- Download the file
on your computer - Open and run
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.home.workcall.plist
- 🎉 When you open Zoom app, your Automation & Scene in Home Assistant is started
Bonus commands:
launchctl start com.home.workcall
if service doesn't start when loaded as agentlaunchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/NAME-OF-YOUR-PLIST.plist
to stop the agent/script