
Test task for appvelox company

Primary LanguagePython

Test task for appvelox

General info

RESTful API to do list

Methods HTTP URI for Tasks

  • GET http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/tasks - Get list of all user tasks
  • GET http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/tasks/[task_id] - Get user task by id
  • POST http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/tasks - Make new task
  • PUT http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/tasks/[task_id] - Update state of task
  • DELETE http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/tasks/[task_id] - Delete task

Methods HTTP URI for Users

  • POST http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/sign_up - Registrate new user
  • POST http://[hostname]/todo_api/v1.0/sign_in - Authenticate user


  • get list off tasks
  • make a new task
  • get a specific task by id
  • mark task as completed
  • delete task


  • Flask
  • Postgres
  • Flask-Migrate (Flask wrapper for Alembic)
  • Flask-sqlalchemy (FLask wrapper for sqlalchemy)
  • Flask-JWT-extended
  • PyTest - for testing purposes