
Using ROS to implement SLAM, Localization and Path Planning on a mobile robot

Primary LanguageMakefile

Udacity Robotics ND - Home Service Robot

The Home Service Robot is the final project of the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer nanodegree, a capstone project which uses all the concepts learned in the course to develop a robot that can navigate around indoor environments, perform SLAM to generate a map and navigate in the environment to pick and place objects around the room.


The robot navigating to the object.

The robot navigating to the destination

Packages used in the project

  • Turtlebot: this package is used to simulate a Turtlebot robot in our environment
  • Turtlebot-teleop: This package is used to send telemetry commands to our robot.
  • slam-gmapping: This package performs laser based SLAM, using it with turtlebot-teleop, the robot can be moved around the room to generate a binary occupancy map which can be used later for localization and navigation.
  • amcl: This package performs Advanced Monte Carlo Localization, an algorithm that uses particle filters to locate our robot.
  • navigation: This packages implements the Navigation Stack which allows us to send a navigation goal for our robot, the underlying algorithm used for path planning is Dijkstra's Algorithm.
  • rviz: This package let us use Rviz, a visualization tool to see how well performs our robot.
  • pgm_map_creator: This package is used only in simulated environments to quickly generate a binary occupancy grid.

Packages created by me

  • pick_objects: This package sends a navigation goal to our robot so it can pick, carry and place objects around the room.
  • add_markers: This package publishes markers that are displayed in Rviz, for evaluation pruposes.

System Requirements and Installation

To run the following project you should have:

  • A linux OS, preferably Ubuntu with ROS installed(minimum Kinetic)
  • xterm installed

Installation instructions:

  1. Create a new catkin workspace
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Check for missing dependencies using rosdep -i
  4. Build the project

Running the progam

After you cloned the project and installed all the dependencies + xterm, open a terminal and from the project workspace execute the following bash script:
