Repository containing code of a Microsoft Azure machine learning project I completed to reinforce my learning.
To install the above code, one needs to follow these steps to create an Azure workspace and compute instance.
- Open an Azure portal and sign in.
- Open the Cloud Shell
- Select Bash
- If prompted, Create Storage
- In the terminal, run in sequence the following codes:
rm -r AzureMachineLearning -f
git clone
cd AzureMachineLearning
To interact with the code and reproduce the work presented above, clone this repo by following these steps:
- Open Azure ML Studio
- Enter your workspace, in this case: Workspaces > andreiroibu-mlworkspace
- Start the Compute Instance if not already running by going to Compute > Compute Instance
- Open Applications
- Then, open Terminal
- Enter the following code
git clone
- Then, all codes should be available under Notebooks. You might need to refresh view!