
Example of Spring Boot + Quartz Scheduling in Cluster mode

Primary LanguageJava

This example demonstrates how to run Spring Boot application with Quartz in cluster mode.

Also in this example we autowire service that currently runs on the instance where jobs executed.

Description of modules

Supervisor module

The supervisor module have Swagger ui with REST commands. It available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html You can use this commands to add jobs, view jobs statuses and delete jobs.

Worker module

Executes tasks that submited to the cluster.

How to run

Before you start supervisor and worker apps you need to start MySQL database, to do that you can use docker-compose.yml file and execute in the project directory:

docker-compose up -d

After that you need to run first supervisor it will creates necessary database(test) and tables for quartz. After it starts run worker.

After that open in your browser swagger ui http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html