Qwik qwik-shop ⚡️

Netlify Status

  • File based routing and MDX support
  • Vite.js tooling.
  • Express.js server.
  • Prettier code formatter.

Development Builds

Client only

During development, the index.html is not a result of server-side rendering, but rather the Qwik app is built using client-side JavaScript only. This is ideal for development with Vite and its ability to reload modules quickly and on-demand. However, this mode is only for development and does not showcase "how" Qwik works since JavaScript is required to execute, and Vite imports many development modules for the app to work.

npm run dev

Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Client

Server-side rendered index.html, with client-side modules prefetched and loaded by the browser. This can be used to test out server-side rendered content during development, but will be slower than the client-only development builds.

npm run dev.ssr

Production Builds

A production build should generate the client and server modules by running both client and server build commands.

npm run build

Client Modules

Production build that creates only the client-side modules that are dynamically imported by the browser.

npm run build.client

Server Modules

Production build that creates the server-side render (SSR) module that is used by the server to render the HTML.

npm run build.ssr

Express Server

This app has a minimal Express server implementation. After running a full build, you can preview the build using the command:

npm run serve

Then visit http://localhost:8080/
