
Making an attendance app for hackDecode

Primary LanguagePython

Bootstrapping the project

  1. Install python 3 (on Mac: brew install python3)
  2. Clone this repo: git clone git@github.com:AndreiTich/TopAttendance.git.
  3. cd into the repo directory.
  4. Create a virtual environment for your python dependencies: python3 -m venv .virtualenv
  5. Activate the virtual environment (on Mac/Linux: source .virtualenv/bin/activate; on Windows: ./.virtualenv/Scripts/activate.bat)
  6. Install the python requirements via pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. Ask Alex :p

Learning resources

Python / Django




Misc. ideas that have been brought up.

  • Correlate geoip (Django has a great geoip/GIS feature) with the user-reported GPS lat/long to double check that they agree, to make sure they're not cheating the GPS location.
  • Add attendance "sessions": allow the prof to start/stop the attendance window.
  • iBeacon transmission from prof to student devices
  • Something with having the students taking a photo of themselves so that the prof can go check if a student looks like they're in-class, if they have some reason to be suspicious
  • Consider other sensor data that might be interesting from mobile devices

Feel free to experiment!