
This Homebridge plugin is an adapter for the Gree ACs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Homebridge Gree AC Adapter


  • Turning the Gree AC on or off
  • Mode setting
  • Temperature units setting
  • Target temperature setting
  • Current temperature display
  • Setting the wind speed (setting it to 0, sets the AC to Auto; can only be set if both Quiet and Turbo are off)
  • Setting the wind direction (switching from predefined fixed to predefined swinging and vice versa, both based on the current operating mode)
  • Turning Quiet on or off (setting Quiet to on, sets Turbo to off, if it is set to on)
  • Turning Turbo on or off (setting Turbo to on, sets Quiet to off, if it is set to on; can only be set to on if the current operating mode is not Heat)
  • Turning Light on or off
  • Turning X-Fan on or off
  • Turning Sleep on or off
  • Turning Health on or off


For an easier configuration process, check out Homebridge Config UI X. If you do not wish to use the previous method of configuring the plugin, you must manually edit the config.json file. The following table shows the necessary properties, along with their recommended values and a short description of what the property is for.

Key Default Description
port 7000 Port used for communicating with the device.
scanPort 7000 Port used for scanning for devices.
scanAddress The IPv4 address to be used for local network device scanning.
scanInterval 1000 Time in milliseconds between two consecutive scans.
scanMaxRetries 3 Maximum number of retries before stopping the scan process.
refreshInterval 1000 Time in milliseconds between device` status update requests.
debug false


  • Because there are not supported by HAP Specification, the following modes are not available: Dry, Fan
  • Temperature display units only affects and reflects the display and operating units on the device. HAP Specification clearly stands: "Celsius is the only temperature unit in the HomeKit Accessory Protocol. Unit conversion is always done on the client side e.g. on the iPhone in the Home App depending on the configured unit on the device itself."
  • HAP Specification doesn't offer a way for fine-tuning the swinging (as the Gree remote and app do). Swing mode only describes if swinging is enabled or disabled. Such, predefined settings are used for both values of this characteristic, these predefined settings being adapted to the current operating mode.
  • Turbo cannot be turned on if the current operating mode is Heat. This is a constraint of the Gree Air Conditioner itself.

Gree Air Conditioner API

There are 2 message types for the communication between the implemented application and the Gree device:

  1. scan
  2. pack

There are 4 request types which can be sent to the Gree device:

  1. scan
  2. bind
  3. status
  4. cmd

There are 4 response types which can be received from the Gree device:

  1. dev
  2. bindok
  3. dat
  4. res

Each line in the following table shows the corresponding response type for each request type along with their associated individual message types (request message type and response message type):

Message Type
Message Type
scan scan pack dev
pack bind pack bindok
pack status pack dat
pack cmd pack res

Scanning for devices

  • request (sent as a broadcast message to the local network)
  "t": "scan"
  • response
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    1,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "<MAC>",
  "tcid": "",
  "pack": {
    "t":       "dev",
    "bc":      "gree",
    "brand":   "gree",
    "catalog": "gree",
    "cid":     "<MAC>",
    "mac":     "<MAC>",
    "mid":     "10001",
    "model":   "gree",
    "name":    "<FRIENDLY NAME>",
    "series":  "gree",
    "vendor":  "1",
    "ver":     "<VERSION>",
    "lock":    0

Binding to a device

  • request
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    1,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "app",
  "tcid": "<MAC>",
  "pack": {
    "t":   "bind",
    "uid": 0,
    "mac": "<MAC>"
  • response
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    1,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "<MAC>",
  "tcid": "app",
  "pack": {
    "r":   200,
    "t":   "bindok",
    "mac": "<MAC>",
    "key": "<KEY>"

Requesting the status of a device

  • request
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    0,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "app",
  "tcid": "<MAC>",
  "pack": {
    "t":    "status",
    "mac":  "<MAC>",
    "cols": [
  • response
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    0,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "<MAC>",
  "tcid": "",
  "pack": {
    "r":    200,
    "t":    "dat",
    "mac":  "<MAC>",
    "cols": [
    "dat":  [1, 1, 25, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Sending commands to a device

  • request
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    0,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "app",
  "tcid": "<MAC>",
  "pack": {
    "t":   "cmd",
    "opt": ["Pow", "Mod", "SetTem", "WdSpd"],
    "p":   [1, 0, 27, 0]
  • response
  "t":    "pack",
  "i":    0,
  "uid":  0,
  "cid":  "<MAC>",
  "tcid": "",
  "pack": {
    "r":   200,
    "t":   "res",
    "mac": "<MAC>",
    "opt": ["Pow", "Mod", "SetTem", "WdSpd"],
    "val": [1, 0, 27, 0],
    "p":   [1, 0, 27, 0]

Sending the target temperature in Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit (F) Celsius (C) TemSet TemRec
61 16.1 16 1
62 16.7 17 0
63 17.2 17 1
64 17.8 18 0
65 18.3 18 1
66 18.9 19 0
67 19.4 19 1
68 20.0 20 1
69 20.6 21 0
70 21.1 21 1
71 21.7 22 0
72 22.2 22 1
73 22.8 23 0
74 23.3 23 1
75 23.9 24 0
76 24.4 24 1
77 25.0 25 1
78 25.6 26 0
79 26.1 26 1
80 26.7 27 0
81 27.2 27 1
82 27.8 28 0
83 28.3 28 1
84 28.9 29 0
85 29.4 29 1
86 30.0 30 1

C = (F - 32.0) / 1.8
TemSet = round(C)
TemRec = (C - TemSet) < 0 ? 0 : 1

Reading the target temperature in Fahrenheit

TemSet TemRec Fahrenheit (F1) Fahrenheit (F2)
16 1 60.8 61
17 0 62.6 62
17 1 62.6 63
18 0 64.4 64
18 1 64.4 65
19 0 66.2 66
19 1 66.2 67
20 1 68 68
21 0 69.8 69
21 1 69.8 70
22 0 71.6 71
22 1 71.6 72
23 0 73.4 73
23 1 73.4 74
24 0 75.2 75
24 1 75.2 76
25 1 77 77
26 0 78.8 78
26 1 78.8 79
27 0 80.6 80
27 1 80.6 81
28 0 82.4 82
28 1 82.4 83
29 0 84.2 84
29 1 84.2 85
30 1 86 86

F1 = TemSet * 1.8 + 32
F2 = (F1 % 1 == 0) ? F1 : (floor(F1) + TemRec)