
As an international payments provider, SaltPay handles customer transactions on behalf of merchants. Each day we pay our merchants the value of their transactions from SaltPay's bank account - minus a processing fee - in a process known as "settling".

Your objective is to simulate the flow of a settlement by creating a simple web page that supports both the input of incoming balance top-ups to our bank account, as well as outgoing payments to merchants.

Acceptance Criteria

Business Logic:

  • The page should support two currencies (GBP and EUR), with each currency having its own total balance
  • When processing payments, fees should be deducted from each payment as a percentage of the amount being processed:
    • For payments in GBP - one third of a percent of the total payment amount
    • For payments in EUR - one half of a percent of the total payment amount
  • Only payments that can be paid in full from the corresponding currency's balance should be processed successfully
  • The final value of a payment (post processing fee) should always be rounded up to two decimal places


  • The page should include two forms with an input field and submit button - one for entering balance top-ups and one for entering payments
  • Balance top-ups should be entered in the format of "currency:amount" (e.g. GBP:100,EUR:200)
  • Payments should be entered in the format of "ID:currency:amount" (e.g. 1:EUR:5.76,2:GBP:32.10)
  • The page should render a list of balances and a list of payments, which should display "No balances" / "No payments" when empty
  • Entering a balance top-up should update the total balance for that currency in the list
  • Details of each payment (including the payment ID and currency) should be added to the list of payments when entered

Technical details:

There is a suite of tests that will run against your code to validate your implementation. In order for these tests to work, they rely on your UI components having these specific data-testid attributes:

Component Attribute
Balances Input balancesInput
Payments Input paymentsInput
Balances “Top Up” Button balancesButton
Payments “Process Payments” Button paymentsButton
Balances Output balances
Payments Output payments

Please note that the component has data-testid attributes for test cases. They should not be changed.