Printf Project


This project is a simulation of the printf function in C with its most important features, it was made in the software development program of Holberton School.

Man page

The man page is a file wich explains in detail how the function works. If you want see a full explanation of this function you can run our man page this way:

$ man ./man_3_printf





To call the _printf() function the next code is required:

#include "main.h"

int main() 
    _printf("string to print");
    return (0);

To compile the program this command has to be executed:

$ make -f makefile

This will create a compilation file, its name is main.out. You can run this file in your terminal with the next command:

$ ./main.out

The next chart explains the detailed functionality of the parameters that the function accepts, respectively with each data type.

Indicator Data type Description
%d int Print an int as a signed decimal number
%i int Print an int as a signed decimal number
%u int Print an unsigned as an unsigned decimal number
%o int Print an unsigned as an unsigned octal number
%x int Hexadecimal notation (using lowercase letters a-f)
%X int Hexadecimal notation (using uppercase letters A-F)
%c int Convert an int to an unsigned character and print the resulting character
%s char * Print a string pointed to by a char *
%p void * Print a void * argument in hexadecimal (ANSI C only)
%% char Print a single % character
%b int Print a converted number to binary (base 2)
%r char * Print a reversed string
%R char * Converts a string to rot13 and prints it

Here's an example of how does the parameters work in our _printf() function:

#include "main.h"

int main()
    _printf("Cohort: %i", 19);
    return (0);

The output of this main function will be:

$ ./main.out
Cohort: 19


  • Juan Esteban Duque github
  • Andres Rodriguez github
  • Felipe Villamizar github