
Automates GPG key generation for Git commit signing and uploads it to GitHub, enhancing security and verification of contributions.

Primary LanguageShell

GPG Key Generation and GitHub Integration Script

This repository hosts a Bash script, git_signing_key.sh, designed to automate the generation of a GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) key for Git commit signing and its subsequent upload to a GitHub account. This script streamlines the process of setting up GPG signing for your Git commits, enhancing the security and verification of your contributions.


  • Checks for necessary dependencies (openssl, gpg, gh CLI).
  • Generates a secure random passphrase for the GPG key.
  • Creates a GPG key with user-defined parameters.
  • Configures Git to use the newly generated GPG key for commit and tag signing.
  • Uploads the GPG public key to the user's GitHub account.


Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • openssl: For generating a secure passphrase.
  • gpg: For creating the GPG key.
  • gh: GitHub CLI, for uploading the GPG key to GitHub.
  • A running gpg-agent: Required for managing GPG key operations.


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/AndresCdo/gpg-key-automation.git
  2. Navigate to the Repository Directory

     cd gpg-key-automation
  3. Prepare the Key Parameters

Edit the keyparams.txt file to specify your key parameters, such as your name and email. Leave the passphrase field empty; the script will generate one for you.

  1. Run the Script

    chmod +x git_signing_key.sh
    bash git_signing_key.sh
  2. Follow the On-Screen Instructions

    The script will guide you through the process of setting up your GPG key and integrating it with your GitHub account.

How It Works

  • The script first checks for the required dependencies and ensures gpg-agent is running.
  • It generates a secure passphrase and updates keyparams.txt with it.
  • A GPG key is generated using the parameters from keyparams.txt.
  • Git is configured to use the new GPG key for commit and tag signing. The GPG public key is exported and uploaded to the user's GitHub account.
  • Finally, gpg-agent is restarted to apply the changes.


Contributions to improve the script or documentation are welcome. Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have suggestions or encounter problems.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • GitHub CLI for providing a seamless way to interact with GitHub from the command line.