React Portfolio App

Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Installation
  • License
  • Contributors
  • Questions


This web application was created by modifying starter code. I was provided with a fully functioning Google Books API search engine built with a RESTful API, and I refactored it to be a GraphQL API built with Apollo Server. The app was built using the MERN stack with a React front end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API. I set up an Apollo Server to use GraphQL queries and mutations to fetch and modify data, replacing the existing RESTful API. I modified the existing authentication middleware so that it works in the context of a GraphQL API. Finally, I created an Apollo Provider so that requests can communicate with an Apollo Server.


This app allows users to log in and save book searches to the back end.


The user will run npm run develop in the terminal to run the project locally on their computer.


License: MIT


Janée Artis

Questions? Contact Me: