Theoretical local music venue asked to build a promotional app called Bring The Band. This app allows users to vote for musicians they want to see at the venue. The venue hopes to gain a following, and boost their patron engagement by tracking popular bands and trends in their market share.
- Using React components, created 2 Pages, Search Page and a Votes Page.
- There will also be a login/sign up functionality
- Search Page should include a Search Field and Search Button
- Search Field should query Spotify if the user presses "enter" or clicks the Search Button
- The results of the Spotify search should be displayed as a list of bands.
- For each band in the list, display an image, band name, and a button allowing the user to vote for them.
- If user votes for a band, save that band to your backend
- Votes page should display all bands that have been voted for so far.
- For each band in in the list, display an image and band name.
- Write tests AT LEAST for any custom functions created on components and actions.
- Spotify API allows anyone to search their database. No need for API key
- Make a table on backend for the voted bands and a model in your app to represent that.
- Table for search results of bands not needed but can be made
Login/Sign Up
Login Button, on Click ->
- Hides login/signup buttons
- Displays email, pw inputs, submit button
- Validates user and gets token
Sign up Button, on Click ->
- Hides login/signup buttons
- Displays username, email, pw inputs, submit button
Search Page
- Input: Search Field
- Button: submits Input with "ENTER" or "onClick"
- Results: List of bands
Each Band: Display IMAGE and BAND NAME
Should be able to vote for band when band is displayed
When voted for, save band to server
Votes Page
- Display: Bands that have been voted for
- Each Band: Display IMAGE and BAND NAME
- Remove band duplicates
- Add votes
- Bands Voted for kept in Backendless server
- User info kept in server
- As a User, I can search for bands
- As a User, I can sign up for a new account
- As a User, I can log in
- As a User, I can log out
- As a User, I can vote for band after I search
- Login/Sign up Functionality
- Search Page with buttons and input
- Populate some data Tues
- Results Page
- Band Cards Wednesday
- Voting Functionality
- Materialize! Thurs
- Polish code
- Polish CSS