Technologies   |    Description   |    Layout   |    License

Em contrsução

🛠 Technologies

This project is being developed with the follwing technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • phosphoriIcons

💻 Description

Second Alura's Programming Challenge

This is a hangman game, the user have to guess the word by typing the letters but they have limited tries to finish it. The rules are simple: only uppercase letters are accepted, no smallcase letters, numbers or special characters otherwise the app will alert the user about it.

Also it has an option to add words, with at maximun of 8 characters long, to the game dictionary.


  • Add words to the game dictionary
  • Smartphone version
  • Tablet version

🔖 Layout

Under construction...

📝 License



Felipe F.

Feito com ❤️ por Felipe F. 👋🏽 Entre em contato!

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