
A .NET Core template for building a microservice using CQRS

Primary LanguageC#

CQRS Microservice Template

What is this?

This project acts as a dotnet cli custom template when using dotnet new. This will scaffold a new microservice with the following features:

.NET Core 3.1
Clean Architecture
Docker File


.NET Core 3.1 SDK


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install the template to your sdk dotnet new -i <PATH TO REPO>. This will create a new template for you to use: cqrs-ms.


  1. dotnet new -u
    • This will produce output that looks like
      CQRS Microservice (cqrs-ms) C#
    Uninstall Command:
      dotnet new -u C:\dev\cqrs-ms
  2. Run the uninstall command for the cqrs-ms template


When upgrading, it is best practice to uninstall the template and then re-install after you have pulled the latest


Parameter Description
projectName -P Standard project name for the template. Used as prefix for all files and namespaces eg (ProjectName.Api)
repoName -r The name of the repository. In most cases will be the same value as Output
output -o The output directory. Defaults to the current directory. In most cases will be the same value as repoName

If -o is not supplied the project will be created in the current working directory

In most cases repoName (-r) and output (-o) will be the same. Due to the cli they needed to be different parameters

dotnet new cqrs-ms -P <PROJECT NAME> -R <REPO NAME>