
An artificial intelligence project focusing on anomaly detection through classifying fraudulent transactions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fraudulent Transaction Classifier


To adequately prevent fraudulent transactions from occurring, banks employ a number of methods to recognize when a fraudulent transaction happens as opposed to when a regular transactions occurs. The problem of recognizing these two groups of transactions is at its root a binary classification problem. Fraudulent transactions are relatively rare compared to normal transactions, though, so any given method used to classify these transactions also keep in mind the inherent bias of the data. As such, this project focuses on implementing an artificial neural network in Tensorflow using weighted classes and other methods to improve performance and accuracy in classifying fraudulent credit card transactions.

Data Set

This research was conducted based on the actual transaction data hosted on Kaggle, an online community of data scientists and machine learners. The data, itself, originates from European credit card transaction data from September 2013. It contains just two days of transactions with a total of 284,807 entries. Of these transaction records, 0.172% are fraudulent. More specifically, 284,315 entries are not fraudulent while 492 are fraudulent . The input data is comprised of records with an elapsed time since the start of data collection, 28 features that were transformed using a principal component analysis (PCA) transformation, and the transaction amount. Each record also contains output data that is either a “0” for non fraudulent activity and a “1” for fraudulent activity.


While initial tests differed, the experiments were performed using a multi-layered neural network trained and tested upon data split at a 60:40 ratio corresponding to the training and testing data. These were generated using Scikit’s “train_test_split” function and a defined seed to ensure reproduction of the included data. The resulting data contained 170587 non-fraudulent training entries, 113728 non-fraudulent testing entries, 297 fraudulent training entries, and 195 fraudulent testing entries. The two classes of data were encoded using one-hot encoding.

Each model had a relatively high learning rate that gradually decayed, andlater models weighted the fraudulent transaction class much more to improverecall. The model is drawn below:

ANN Architecture PNG

System Flow

The weights and biases between tensors were randomly generated in Tensorflow. The model was composed of an input layer of 29 input nodes, 3 hidden layers with 50 nodes, 70 nodes, and 50 nodes respectively, and an output layer of 2 nodes.


The initial hyperparameter configurations were as follows: a learning rate of 8%, a decay of 96%, and a decay at every 100 steps. All weights and biases are initially created using automatically generated a Tensorflow random normal number generation method. The Adam optimization and Gradient Descent algorithms were both used to create some test models for comparison. Later models exclusively tuned the Adam optimized model due to its better performance.

Final Results

This model achieved the highest accuracy for fraudulent recognition at a rate of at most 90.76%, while at that same point still retaining an accuracy of 99.05%. While this accuracy was high, this meant that 1064 false positives existed at that point during testing. A much greater weight upon fraudulent transactions also resulted in a much more unstable model.

In reviewing the performance of the model, it became clear that as model became granularly accurate at classifying all transactions it lost fraudulent transaction recognition accuracy. This usually converted to above 99.05% accuracy. When it neared 99% accuracy it grew very accurate at recognizing frauds at a rate of at most 90.76%, but as it neared 99.9% accuracy it would come close to 80% fraud recognition accuracy.


Through many different iterations over the Adam and Gradient Descent based models, this project demonstrates that artificial neural networks are capable of learning to classify fraudulent transactions from extremely biased datasets. In addition, it was shown that hardware incompatibilities can greatly affect testing results. Experimental results show that the Tensorflow implementation of the Adam optimization algorithm converged upon higher accuracies for both testing and training datasets than the Gradient Descent optimizer. Also, class weights provide a relatively easy method to counteract dataset bias or adjust for class importance.

While increasing the size of each layer provides a relative increase in performance, the training process takes much longer than that of the model in the final iteration. For this reason, future work may first be based upon trying out a much larger neural network with more nodes per layer or more layers. Furthermore, a model utilizing rectified linear units or a convolutional neural network could possibly improve performance further. Given that either of these proposed models could require more neurons and layers resulting in overfitting, the Dropout algorithm could be applied as well.