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A repository to keep track of problem solving practise, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces

Codeforces is a website which hosts competitive programming contests:


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
207 A - k-th divisor C++17 (GCC 7-32) math number theory *1400 May/19/2024 13:28
206 C - Paprika and Permutation C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy math sortings *1300 May/18/2024 20:11
205 B - YetnotherrokenKeoard C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures implementation strings *1000 May/18/2024 03:14
204 C - Minimize Distance C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy math *1300 May/17/2024 19:50
203 B - Grab the Candies C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy *800 May/16/2024 23:14
202 C - Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force data structures greedy strings two pointers *1200 May/14/2024 17:49
201 B - 3-palindrome C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms *1000 May/13/2024 23:11
200 B - Swap and Delete C++17 (GCC 7-32) strings *1000 May/13/2024 23:02
199 C - Two Arrays C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy math sortings *900 May/13/2024 15:09
198 A - Divisible Array C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms math *800 May/12/2024 22:39
197 B - Keep it Beautiful C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *1000 May/12/2024 20:48
196 B - Array Decrements C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy implementation *800 May/12/2024 16:29
195 C - Number Game C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search data structures games greedy implementation *1400 May/12/2024 02:13
194 B - Two Cakes C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search brute force implementation *1200 May/11/2024 23:02
193 C - Sum of Cubes C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search brute force brute force math *1100 May/11/2024 16:33
192 E - Scuza C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy math *1200 May/11/2024 01:56
191 C - Clock and Strings C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *900 May/10/2024 22:05
190 B - Different String C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation strings *800 May/10/2024 20:42
189 A - My First Sorting Problem C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation sortings *800 May/10/2024 20:37
188 C - Maximum Median C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy math sortings *1400 May/09/2024 23:09
187 C - Save More Mice C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy greedy *1000 May/08/2024 20:18
186 E - Building an Aquarium C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search sortings *1100 May/07/2024 22:39
185 D - Wooden Toy Festival C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy sortings *1400 May/07/2024 20:55
184 C - K-th Not Divisible by n C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search math *1200 May/07/2024 16:28
183 D - Permutation Game C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force dfs and similar games graphs greedy math May/06/2024 21:42
182 C - Assembly via Remainders C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms number theory May/05/2024 20:46
181 B - Prefiquence C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy two pointers May/05/2024 20:11
180 B - Roof Construction C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks constructive algorithms *1000 May/04/2024 20:11
179 A - Absolute Maximization C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy math *800 May/04/2024 14:17
178 B - XOR Palindromes C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks constructive algorithms strings *1100 May/04/2024 11:50
177 B - Interesting drink C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search dp implementation *1100 May/03/2024 20:21
176 B - Worms C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search implementation *1200 May/03/2024 20:17
175 A - Maximize? C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force math number theory May/02/2024 21:14
174 E - Eating Queries C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search greedy sortings *1100 May/02/2024 11:49
173 C - Array Elimination C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks math number theory *1300 May/01/2024 14:27
172 B - Preparing Olympiad C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks brute force *1400 May/01/2024 12:29
171 C - Assembly via Minimums C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy sortings *1200 Apr/30/2024 18:33
170 B - Array Cancellation C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Apr/29/2024 20:23
169 B - BerSU Ball C++17 (GCC 7-32) dfs and similar dp graph matchings greedy sortings two pointers *1200 Apr/29/2024 14:19
168 G1 - Teleporters (Easy Version) C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy sortings *1100 Apr/28/2024 21:41
167 B - Bogosort C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Apr/28/2024 18:51
166 A - Jellyfish and Undertale C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force greedy *900 Apr/27/2024 12:54
165 C - Double-ended Strings C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force implementation strings *1000 Apr/27/2024 00:03
164 A - Payment Without Change C++17 (GCC 7-32) math *1000 Apr/26/2024 22:21
163 A - New Palindrome C++17 (GCC 7-32) strings *800 Apr/26/2024 17:58
162 A - Three Indices C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force data structures *900 Apr/25/2024 01:13
161 E - Negatives and Positives C++17 (GCC 7-32) dp greedy sortings *1100 Apr/24/2024 15:27
160 A - Two Elevators C++17 (GCC 7-32) math *800 Apr/23/2024 19:08
159 B - Decode String C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy strings *800 Apr/23/2024 18:27
158 C - Jumping on Tiles C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms strings *1100 Apr/23/2024 15:47
157 A - Mocha and Math C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks constructive algorithms math *900 Apr/21/2024 03:53
156 A - XORwice C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks greedy math *800 Apr/21/2024 02:30
155 A - Min Or Sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks greedy *800 Apr/19/2024 23:17
154 B - Rock and Lever C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks math *1200 Apr/18/2024 13:51
153 B - Fedor and New Game C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms implementation *1100 Apr/18/2024 02:48
152 A - And Then There Were K C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks *800 Apr/15/2024 21:20
151 A - We Need the Zero C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks brute force *800 Apr/15/2024 11:21
150 A - Is It a Cat? C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation strings *800 Apr/13/2024 18:22
149 B - Petr and a Combination Lock C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks brute force dp *1200 Apr/07/2024 19:47
148 D - Apple Tree C++17 (GCC 7-32) combinatorics dfs and similar dp math trees *1200 Apr/06/2024 23:49
147 C - Sum in Binary Tree C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks combinatorics math trees *800 Apr/04/2024 03:49
146 B - Remove Prefix C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures greedy implementation *800 Apr/04/2024 03:38
145 B - Long Long C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy math two pointers *800 Apr/04/2024 02:13
144 A - Compare T-Shirt Sizes C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation implementation strings *800 Apr/04/2024 01:43
143 A - Mainak and Array C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy math *900 Apr/03/2024 01:15
142 C - Train and Queries C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures greedy *1100 Apr/01/2024 19:39
141 D - Three Activities C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1200 Apr/01/2024 17:02
140 C - Ski Resort C++17 (GCC 7-32) combinatorics math two pointers *1000 Apr/01/2024 01:06
139 C2 - Powering the Hero (hard version) C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures greedy *1100 Mar/31/2024 20:53
138 C1 - Powering the Hero (easy version) C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures greedy *1000 Mar/31/2024 20:41
137 D - Matryoshkas C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures greedy sortings *1200 Mar/31/2024 16:42
136 D - Line C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy sortings *1100 Mar/31/2024 04:56
135 C - Premutation C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force implementation math *1000 Mar/30/2024 20:12
134 D - Double Strings C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force data structures strings *1100 Mar/30/2024 18:40
133 D - X-Sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force greedy implementation *1000 Mar/30/2024 15:30
132 D - Odd Queries C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures implementation *900 Mar/29/2024 15:47
131 C - Clock Conversion C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation math Mar/28/2024 22:56
130 B - Upscaling C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation Mar/28/2024 22:08
129 A - Stair, Peak, or Neither? C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation Mar/28/2024 20:47
128 C - ABBB C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force data structures greedy strings *1100 Mar/27/2024 23:12
127 C - Most Similar Words C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force greedy implementation implementation math strings *800 Mar/24/2024 15:46
126 B - Array Cloning Technique C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms greedy sortings *900 Mar/24/2024 03:00
125 B - Chemistry C++17 (GCC 7-32) strings *900 Mar/24/2024 02:09
124 B - Kalindrome Array C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy two pointers *1100 Mar/23/2024 16:31
123 A - Spell Check C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *800 Mar/22/2024 14:22
122 C - Cypher C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force implementation strings *800 Mar/22/2024 14:15
121 A - Plus or Minus C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *800 Mar/22/2024 13:50
120 C - Move Brackets C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy strings *1000 Mar/22/2024 04:10
119 B - All Distinct C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy sortings *800 Mar/22/2024 03:34
118 B - Colourblindness C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *800 Mar/22/2024 02:53
117 B - Fireworks C++17 (GCC 7-32) math number theory *900 Mar/19/2024 15:50
116 A - Setting up Camp C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy math *800 Mar/19/2024 14:38
115 D - Colorful Stamp C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *1100 Mar/18/2024 13:10
114 B - Coloring Rectangles C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy *1000 Mar/17/2024 22:15
113 A - Era C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy *800 Mar/16/2024 18:33
112 C - Traffic Light C++17 (GCC 7-32) binary search implementation two pointers *1000 Mar/16/2024 13:54
111 A - Forgotten Episode C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *800 Mar/16/2024 10:37
110 A - Wet Shark and Odd and Even C++17 (GCC 7-32) implementation *900 Mar/16/2024 10:27
109 C - Word Game C++17 (GCC 7-32) data structures implementation *800 Mar/16/2024 09:28
108 A - Ebony and Ivory C++17 (GCC 7-32) brute force math number theory *1100 Mar/16/2024 09:18
107 A - Display The Number C++17 (GCC 7-32) greedy *900 Mar/15/2024 12:45
106 C - Less or Equal GNU C++20 (64) sortings *1200 Mar/04/2024 23:30
105 B - Same Parity Summands GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *1200 Mar/03/2024 22:05
104 B - Petya and Countryside GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation *1100 Mar/03/2024 17:11
103 A - Turtle Puzzle: Rearrange and Negate GNU C++20 (64) greedy math sortings Feb/27/2024 21:31
102 B - Turtle Math: Fast Three Task GNU C++20 (64) implementation math number theory Feb/27/2024 21:26
101 A - Laptops GNU C++20 (64) sortings *1100 Feb/24/2024 00:47
100 D2 - Sage's Birthday (hard version) GNU C++20 (64) binary search brute force constructive algorithms greedy sortings two pointers *1500 Feb/21/2024 21:26
99 D1 - Sage's Birthday (easy version) GNU C++20 (64) binary search constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1000 Feb/21/2024 15:23
98 C - Vlad and a Sum of Sum of Digits GNU C++20 (64) dp implementation Feb/19/2024 23:21
97 B - Vlad and Shapes GNU C++20 (64) implementation Feb/19/2024 21:22
96 A - Vlad and the Best of Five GNU C++20 (64) implementation Feb/19/2024 20:38
95 A - Thorns and Coins GNU C++20 (64) dp greedy implementation Feb/19/2024 20:15
94 A - Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1000 Feb/19/2024 20:02
93 D - Roads not only in Berland GNU C++20 (64) dsu graphs trees *1900 Feb/16/2024 12:51
92 A - Romaji GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *900 Feb/15/2024 01:50
91 C - Dijkstra? GNU C++20 (64) graphs shortest paths *1900 Feb/13/2024 20:08
90 A - 2023 GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms implementation math number theory *800 Dec/30/2023 21:35
89 B - New Year's Number GNU C++20 (64) brute force dp math *900 Dec/29/2023 14:49
88 D - Unnatural Language Processing GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation strings *900 Dec/29/2023 14:49
87 B - Not Quite Latin Square GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks brute force implementation *800 Dec/28/2023 23:00
86 C - Can I Square? GNU C++20 (64) binary search implementation *800 Dec/28/2023 21:39
85 A - Odd One Out GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks implementation *800 Dec/28/2023 20:39
84 B - Minor Reduction GNU C++20 (64) greedy strings *1100 Dec/21/2023 11:35
83 A - Problemsolving Log GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Dec/20/2023 00:17
82 B - Preparing for the Contest GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Dec/20/2023 00:14
81 B - Sum of Digits GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1000 Dec/19/2023 16:32
80 A - Rating Increase GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Dec/19/2023 00:16
79 B - AB Flipping GNU C++20 (64) greedy strings two pointers *900 Dec/02/2023 23:49
78 B - 01 Game GNU C++20 (64) games *900 Dec/01/2023 01:25
77 A - Football GNU C++20 (64) strings *1000 Nov/29/2023 12:24
76 A - The number of positions GNU C++20 (64) math *1000 Nov/27/2023 20:30
75 A - Road To Zero GNU C++20 (64) greedy math *1000 Nov/27/2023 14:10
74 A - Twins GNU C++20 (64) greedy sortings *900 Nov/27/2023 01:07
73 B - Bear and Finding Criminals GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Nov/26/2023 22:19
72 B - Letters Rearranging GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *900 Nov/21/2023 23:01
71 B - ICPC Balloons GNU C++20 (64) data structures implementation *800 Nov/21/2023 16:38
70 A - Pangram GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Nov/14/2023 12:54
69 A - Chat room GNU C++20 (64) greedy strings *1000 Nov/14/2023 12:25
68 A - cAPS lOCK GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *1000 Nov/12/2023 01:59
67 A - Beautiful String GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1000 Oct/26/2023 21:01
66 B - Decoding GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *900 Oct/25/2023 23:52
65 D - Alice, Bob and Candies GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1300 Oct/25/2023 19:18
64 A - Morning GNU C++20 (64) math *800 Oct/23/2023 12:06
63 A - Next Round GNU C++20 (64) *special problem implementation *800 Oct/23/2023 01:33
62 A - Dawid and Bags of Candies GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation *800 Oct/22/2023 01:45
61 C - Word on the Paper GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Oct/21/2023 15:31
60 B - Kuriyama Mirai's Stones GNU C++20 (64) dp implementation sortings *1200 Oct/20/2023 19:24
59 B - Coins GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1200 Oct/08/2023 13:25
58 B - Xenia and Ringroad GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1000 Oct/07/2023 15:13
57 A - Wrong Subtraction GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Oct/05/2023 18:27
56 A - New Year and Hurry GNU C++20 (64) binary search brute force implementation math *800 Oct/05/2023 18:10
55 A - String Task GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *1000 Oct/05/2023 17:26
54 A - In Search of an Easy Problem GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/30/2023 10:59
53 A - Short Substrings GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/29/2023 20:05
52 A - Polycarp and the Day of Pi GNU C++20 (64) implementation math strings *800 Sep/29/2023 10:47
51 A - How Much Does Daytona Cost? GNU C++20 (64) greedy *800 Sep/26/2023 20:55
50 A - Grasshopper on a Line GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Sep/25/2023 19:48
49 A - Rigged! GNU C++20 (64) greedy *800 Sep/24/2023 23:46
48 B - Equal Candies GNU C++20 (64) greedy math sortings *800 Sep/23/2023 21:59
47 A - Nearly Lucky Number GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/23/2023 20:57
46 A - Beautiful Year GNU C++20 (64) brute force *800 Sep/23/2023 01:31
45 A - Sasha and Array Coloring GNU C++20 (64) greedy sortings two pointers *800 Sep/23/2023 00:49
44 A - Rudolph and Cut the Rope GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/23/2023 00:44
43 C - Target Practice GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/22/2023 17:28
42 B - Good Kid GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy math *800 Sep/21/2023 22:22
41 A - Short Sort GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation *800 Sep/21/2023 20:45
40 A - Boring Apartments GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/16/2023 19:37
39 B - Ten Words of Wisdom GNU C++20 (64) implementation sortings *800 Sep/16/2023 15:45
38 A - Morning Sandwich GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/16/2023 02:41
37 A - Sum of Odd Integers GNU C++20 (64) math *1100 Sep/15/2023 21:08
36 B - Atilla's Favorite Problem GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation strings *800 Sep/15/2023 18:02
35 A - Add Odd or Subtract Even GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation math *800 Sep/15/2023 16:20
34 A - Games GNU C++20 (64) brute force *800 Sep/14/2023 22:14
33 A - Park Lighting GNU C++20 (64) greedy math *800 Sep/14/2023 16:25
32 A - Game GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Sep/14/2023 15:44
31 A - Is your horseshoe on the other hoof? GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/14/2023 14:05
30 A - Anton and Polyhedrons GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/13/2023 20:12
29 B - Phone numbers GNU C++20 (64) implementation *1100 Sep/13/2023 12:33
28 A - Night at the Museum GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/12/2023 18:03
27 A - Black Square GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/12/2023 14:50
26 A - Even Odds GNU C++20 (64) math *900 Sep/11/2023 20:48
25 B - Drinks GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Sep/11/2023 15:29
24 A - Police Recruits GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/11/2023 02:26
23 A - Stones on the Table GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/11/2023 01:25
22 A - Cipher Shifer GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings two pointers *800 Sep/10/2023 23:16
21 A - Magnets GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/10/2023 20:51
20 A - Sum of 2050 GNU C++20 (64) greedy math *800 Sep/10/2023 18:12
19 A - Gravity Flip GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation sortings *900 Sep/08/2023 21:12
18 A - Two Vessels GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy math *800 Sep/08/2023 20:42
17 B - Blank Space GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/06/2023 11:09
16 A - Are You a Robot? GNU C++20 (64) *special problem *special problem *special problem expression parsing strings Sep/05/2023 23:07
15 A - Vanya and Fence GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/04/2023 19:31
14 A - Soldier and Bananas GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation math *800 Sep/04/2023 18:46
13 A - Hulk GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Sep/04/2023 17:19
12 A - Word Capitalization GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/04/2023 16:52
11 A - Love "A" GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/04/2023 16:33
10 A - Boy or Girl GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation strings *800 Sep/04/2023 01:17
9 A - Anton and Danik GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Sep/03/2023 19:56
8 B - Mysterious Language Mysterious Language *special problem *1700 Aug/31/2023 23:27
7 H - A + B Strikes Back GNU C++20 (64) *special problem brute force constructive algorithms dsu implementation *1500 Aug/29/2023 14:49
6 A - Increasing and Decreasing GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *800 Aug/26/2023 22:59
5 A - Medium Number GNU C++20 (64) implementation sortings *800 Aug/23/2023 01:10
4 A - Love Story GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Aug/22/2023 20:26
3 C - Pōja Verdon GNU C++20 (64) *special problem implementation math Aug/22/2023 20:16
2 A - Who Tested? GNU C++20 (64) *special problem expression parsing trees Aug/22/2023 20:03
1 A - Bear and Big Brother GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Aug/19/2023 21:10