
[DefenseTech] [Missile Interceptor Server] [Table Error]

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Reminder to fix the table error in the Missile Interceptor Server.
So that the table siloData {} prints out information of each silo respective to each ID value.
Currently it prints out the respective Id's and #'s but copies 1 silo's info into all other slots.

Should look like:
| Silo #: |ID #: | Missile Type: | Targets: |
1 1 Nuclear 0,0,0
2 2 Shrapnel 1,1,1

Refer to this for more information:
Alright so i got the information to be sent wirelessly in near perfect form.

However there are a few problems i don't know how to fix.

  1. The Screen prints the appropriate Silo #'s and their respective ID #'s, but only uses 1 slave's information to fill both's other fields.

For example rather than saying this:
Silo #1 Id#1 Type: Nuclear
Silo #2 Id#2 Type: Conventional

It says:

There are two different computers with two different missiles and two different targets.
It should print the information respective to each individual silo, rather than copy paste 1 silo's information into the fields of the others.

  1. What the computer should return if no missile is present, or if it is an anti-ballistic missile it should abbreviate it to A.B.M.
    I know this sounds easy for a lot of people to do as a general if/else combo, but i can't seem to know where to put either.
    Basically the slave's will crash when they find out that there is no missile, i dont know how to make them return another value.

  2. How do i make the Target key of the table print x,y,z values?, right now it only prints X.

New working codes: