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src/chugl-tests: chugl integration tests. All tests are chuck programs exercising the chugin interface. A test passes if nothing is printed to stderr or stdout.

  • to run tests: chuck
    • is the test harness/framework
    • is the test runner

ChucK / ChuGin improvements

  • QUERY interface should take type as an enum like CK_INT rather than a string like "int"
    • Also unclear what the size of the types is... is this a 32bit or 64bit int? Need to know to prevent memory issues. E.g. this would cause a bug if chuck expected an i64, not i32. (when reading wrap_repeat it would also pull in the bytes of wrap_mirror)
        QUERY->add_svar(QUERY, "int", "WRAP_REPEAT", true, &WRAP_REPEAT);
        QUERY->add_svar(QUERY, "int", "WRAP_REPEAT", true, &WRAP_REPEAT);
  • chugin needs to support f32 floats. halves memory pressure for all chugl graphics data movement

    • also makes a lot of library binding easier, don't have to copy doubles --> floats for many operations
  • void (CK_DLL_CALL * const callback_on_instantiate)( f_callback_on_instantiate callback, Type base_type, Chuck_VM * vm, t_CKBOOL shouldSetShredOrigin );

    • why use this over DLL_CTOR?
  • why do we need to use origin_shred (ie most ancestor shred) to invoke_mfun_immediate_mode on a chuck_object method?

    • prevents us from invoking update() on default GGens created during the original Query, such as mainScene and mainCamera

improvements for ImGui bindings

  • A better way to pass pointers to data (maybe pass by ref?)

  • default function parameters

  • function pointers! removes need to wrap callback handlers with a custom class with vtable base handler() function, and override that function. See UI_SizeCallback chugin type for example

  • support '\0' null character in chuck strings gotten from API->object->str()

    • not able to do "one\0two\0\three\0\0" for UI item list
  • Better chugin array API

    • array_set_idx. would greatly improve efficiency of Imgui_SetScalarN impl for drag sliders
      • currently to modify array, we have to clear Everything and re-push the new values. wasteful when only 1 element is changed in a frame, as in a drag slider
    • way to get readonly const* to contiguous array data (so that we don't have to copy into arena)
      • this also requires a floats / ints rather than long / double
  • ckdocs enable preserving order, don't sort alphabetically

    • also allow setting subgroup like QUERY->doc_section("section A") within a class. Would allow better organization of ulib_imgui module