
Demo react app to showcase Oauth2.0 code grant flow with AWS cognito, API gateway and Amplify

Primary LanguageHCL

Training Demo App

Demo react app to showcase Oauth2.0 code grant flow with AWS cognito, API gateway and Amplify.

This project is put together quickly for demo purpuse only. We use create react app and AWS amplify to speed things up. We want to be clear that these tech choice are not desired for a production-grade development. If you are familiar with Terraform or AWS CDK, feel free to use them to set up the AWS cognito, API gateway and Lambda Function required instead of Amplify.


The code is mostly based on Nader Dabit's youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs9HfYbWjXQ&list=WL&index=5&ab_channel=NaderDabit

Initial setup required

  • A free AWS account

install the following tools

  • aws cli
  • amplify cli

Setup aws profile

Initialize the amplify

After cloning the repo, if you haven't provisioned the API gateway, Cognito User Pool and the Lambda. You need to initialize your amplify to provision them.

Continue working on the application

After cloning the repo, if you have already provisioned the AWS resource mentioned above. You can run the following command to regeneate your config (aws-exports.js) and cloudformation in the amplify folder, please choose "changed the backend" when prompted. You can find appId and envName in AWS console -> amplify

amplify pull --appId YOUR_APP_ID --envName APP_ENVIROMENT

install the dependencies

  • run yarn install

Run app in dev mode

Test the Auth flow

  • Test if you can register an user via the Create Account Tab in the UI
  • Check in AWS console -> Cognito user pool if the user is correctly created
  • Test if you can login as this user