
A demo of an issue in iOS 11 when dismissing modally presented navigation controllers

Primary LanguageSwift

Modal Dismiss Issue Example

A demo of an issue in iOS 11 when dismissing modally presented navigation controllers

This project supplements this stack overflow question.

There are two ways of dismissing a modally presented navigation controller, from the final view controller in the navigation flow:

  • Ask the presenting VC to dismiss it: self.presentingViewController!.dismiss(animated: true)
  • Call dismiss on the navigation controller: self.navigationController!.dismiss(animated: true)

The second is allowed since the docs say:

If you call this method on the presented view controller itself, UIKit asks the presenting view controller to handle the dismissal.

They both have problems!

Type 1 produces a visual artifact: a duplicate VS is seen under the dismissed one Type 2 needs to be called twice in order to work! Presumably, the first call is dismissing the search controller?...

Resolved: Adding searchController.isActive = false to viewWillDisappear resolves the issue