Alien vs. Predator: Legends


AVP: Legends was a MUD I created back around 2003, I think I was around 16-17 at the time, so don't hold the code quality against me, haha. It descends from SWR, a descendant of SMAUG.


This code is provided as-is. I haven't touched it in two decades now, and remember very little about how to setup or operate the MUD. I also made only a quick pass to scrub personal email addresses and old accounts, so I don't know what else you'll find in these files.

Running the Server

  • Install the required packages
    • apt-get install make g++ libz-dev
  • Optional install for debugging
    • apt-get install gdb
  • Compile the source code (Expect a lot of warnings)
    • cd src
    • make
  • Start the server
    • Make sure you are in the root directory.
    • Execute ./ - Edit this file if you want to change the port. (Default is 7676)

I do NOT recommend using the old src/avpscript, it has not be updated.


Some other things I tried when getting this up and running, unsure what all is required.

  • Most directories besides src should have both read and write permissions.
  • The compiled binary needs to have it's working directory in area, so for a manual start:
    • cd area
    • ../src/avp [port]
  • There is a ./ script in the root, that will start the server inside GDB.
  • If you see SEGMENTATION VIOLATION errors, that's a SIGSEGV handler attempting automatic copyover. This unforunately tends to consume the error, so you might want to comment out the hook while troubleshooting. Search comm.c for signal( SIGSEGV, SegVio );