Jurassic Park Goal: Create a web application in React with Spring/Java back end

You have been asked to create a web app to allow the management in Jurassic Park to manage the dinosaur population and visitor tracking of the Park. (No expense spared)

MVP The user must be able to add paddocks, add / remove dinosaurs to paddocks, feed dinosaurs. You should also be able to transfer Herbivores between paddocks. :/

Project Extensions Dinosaurs marked as herbivores can live in the same paddock as each other.... but those marked as carnivores can only be placed with dinosaurs of the same type. Dinosaurs can randomly rampage and break out of their paddocks. The system should lock down until all dinosaurs are wrangled. (timeout?) Visitors can enter / exit the park if the dinosaurs are not rampaging. View the number of visitors in the park at a given time. Anything else you can dream up!