Political Race API

I haven't looked too far into it but it seems like the Google has an API to recieve information about particular political race.

Donations API

So there is preexisting logic on this repo for login verification. I don't know if it is needed or should be used. Either way if I was planning on using DynamoDB as the main database. If you(Caroline) could figure out how to standup the Dynamo instance either using the Docker Image or downloading it locally and then use the SDK to put an object similar to below in the Database that would be great! The logic should be in a PUT command in the route /donations

    "CustomerID": "abc123",
    "CanidateID": "def456",
    "CharityID": "hij789",
    "Donation": {
        "Amount": "$2.00",
        "Currency": "USD",
        "Time": "1669334542",
        "Platform": "Desktop"

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npm test

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npm test -- --testFile="name of test file" (i.e. --testFile=Users).

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npm run test:no-reloading

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npm run lint

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npm run build

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npm start

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npm start -- --env="name of env file" (default is production).

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Additional Notes

  • If npm run dev gives you issues with bcrypt on MacOS you may need to run: npm rebuild bcrypt --build-from-source.