
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Explorer Website

Explorer Website is a travel sharing platform, which help friends to share their exprience.


  • Created the web services with Node.js, MongoDB, Boostrap, MapBox, and Cloudinary for travel sharing site.
  • Produced the Ajax-based front-end with Boostrap, HTML/CSS, manipulating Multer, Mongoose, Express-session, and Connect-flash for middlewares to facilitate the communication between front-end and back-end.
  • Launched RESTful MVC back-end with CRUD functionality using Node.JS, Express.js, MongoDB, MapBox.
  • Implemented Passport.js to assemble user authentication and Helmet libraries to protect from XSS & SQL injection.
  • Incorporated Cloudinary platform to store user’s pictures and deployed the app to Heroku web server.

Getting Started




Before you install, please clone the repository and make sure you have the latest version of node and npm

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

Install all the essential dependencies of this app.

You need to configure some environment variables in ".env" file before executing program

MAPBOX_TOKEN = "your token"
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = "your cloud name"
CLOUDINARY_KEY = "your cloudinary key"
CLOUDINARY_SECRET = "your cloundinary_secret"
DB_URL = "your mongodb database url"

Executing program

nodemon app.js

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.



Sites overview

Presenting specific site

Login interface

Adding site interface


@Emory Lin