
Eventually Microsoft may add "powershellw.exe" functionality similar to "javaw.exe" which launches main process without creating visible console window.

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1



a simple wrapper for powershell on Windows systems.

Main process is launched without window by setting the ProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; I am not adding the infamous -WIndowstyle Hidden switch because PS console may still blink. Luancher does not create a window and its subprocess will not generate window unless PS1 script brings own window up.

How it works

  1. InvisiLauncher.exe looks for configuration file in own folder (named InvisiLauncher.config) Configuration file is a simple XML file with two nodes:
  • filename it expands %Windir%\System32\WINDOWSPOWERSHELL\v1.0\powershell.exe into C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINDOWSPOWERSHELL\v1.0\powershell.exe\
  • arguments it expands from formatted template -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -sta -noprofile -File {0}

Together those two will define what we will launch when process is executed.

we expect path to PS1 file on 1st position, at least in default configuration in this project.

path to PS1 file can be relative to location of launcher/executable file.

if we want to launch a powershell script with no additional parameters, then invoke launcher with path to the script.
F.ex. launcher.exe C:\path\to\scriptfile.ps1
That will translate into powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -sta -noprofile -File C:\path\to\scriptfile.ps1

If we want to launch powershell script with additional parameters, then

  • add them in commandline
    F.ex. launcher.exe C:\path\to\scriptfile.ps1 -some other -required arguments
    it will translate into powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -sta -noprofile -File C:\path\to\scriptfile.ps1 -some other -required arguments

  • or define them in xml configuration file where those will be expanded using string format. by changing -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -sta -noprofile -File {0} to sth like -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -sta -noprofile -File {0} -additional parameters

If for any reason text values cannot be expanded, launcher will use default ones specified above and continue with passed script/script+parameters. If everything goes well, launcher will return exit code of powershell.exe it just launched.

I think about adding 2nd command line parameter set. It should be UNC/URI parameter leading to config file. That way it would be possible to manage the action without changing configuration file placed in installdir, I expect it to be ready-only.

error codes

all problems are reported into Debug Stream. I may add file logger if project gets traction

errorcode description
-1 configuration file is missing! We need it
-2 problem when navigating XML file (configuration), check Debug stream
-3 somethng went wrong during initialization of our custom process (the hidden one, it could be parent of anything), check Debug stream