- 2
- 7
Can not install libpng12-dev on raspberry 4
#35 opened by susheelbanyal - 1
Python version
#28 opened by MCRob2 - 2
Sinden Light Gun
#34 opened by AJCrowley - 15
Transparency flag to pngview
#25 opened by bverc - 7
Read PNG Image constantly
#3 opened by netzfreak - 0
Recommended inclusion method?
#33 opened by chintal - 0
Display png to the /dev/fb1
#32 opened by levelKro - 6
ERROR: tvservice-client: Failed to connect to TV service: -1 pngview: pngview.c:177: main: Assertion `display != 0' failed.
#4 opened by ozett - 1
On raspberry pi 4 background flag for pngview and worms applications works wrong.
#27 opened by yuriidanilovskyi - 1
Eat memory
#26 opened by munjeni - 4
Unable to open "pngview"
#24 opened by DonMaverick - 14
Error while loading shared libraries
#16 opened by matthiasobergasser - 2
Black screen
#23 opened by gev - 2
PNG Load and RAM filling
#13 opened by Krakawet - 2
Two dispmanx layers when using pngview?
#22 opened by nielsbuus - 4
Need help understanding the need for bitshifting
#19 opened by hex007 - 1
Anamorph output
#18 opened by skinkie - 1
Error while loading library:
#17 opened by RedRambo - 10
- 1
- 5
pngview only quits with kill -9
#6 opened by nagualcode - 1
- 3
Set position in spriteview
#7 opened by mirodrigom - 1
how to disable auto zooming
#5 opened by pete111 - 4
set position
#2 opened by nagualcode - 12