
Documents generated during devops4lib DevOps Summit Meetings

This repo holds planning documents and breakout notes for the DevOps 4 Libraries Summit.

DevOps Summit

We hold an annual 2-day unconference-style meeting at Princeton University. The date / time-of-year varies. Group size has been 15-30 people.

Process: We gather together to brainstorm topics we want to discuss. Then we vote on each one, with each participant voting as many times as they want. The group works together, with a facilitator, to determine which topics should be plenary and which should be broken into smaller / parallel tracks.

Everyone should come ready to participate by sharing problems and/or solutions.

Other communication channels

Monthly (remote) meetings


Slack channel

We stay in touch on #devops in the code4lib slack org.

Mailing List

To join the mailing list

  • Type listserv(at)princeton(dot)edu in the To: box.
  • Delete the signature line from the body of the email if it is included automatically.
  • Include the following line in the body of the message: subscribe libdevops YourFirstName YourOtherName(s)


https://devops4lib.github.io/ Created during one of our summits and still awaiting content, we hope this blog will be a place for community members to share problems and solutions, large and small. Contribute at https://github.com/devops4lib/devops4lib.github.io/

Alphabetical listing of some github repos

Github Repositories