
A Sass mixin for including multiple CSS animations on an element

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

SCSS/Sass mixin for multiple animations

Despite lots of Googling, I couldn't find a Sass mixin that receives a comma-separated list of animations. This assumes you already have keyframes defined. It also doesn't handle vendor prefixes, which is better suited for Autoprefixer.

The code

@mixin multiple_animations($list) {
	$combined: '';

	@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
		$anim: nth($list, $i);

		@if $i == length($list) {
			$combined: $combined + $anim;
		@else {
			$combined: $combined + $anim + ',';

	animation: unquote($combined);


$animations: (
	bg 3s ease-in 2s 2 forwards,
	size 3s linear 2s 2 forwards

div {
	@include multiple_animations($animations);
	width: 100px;
	height: 100px;

Test it

  • npm install
  • grunt sass
  • Open /example/index.html