
A library for making GUI apps in C++ by utilizing OpenGL and SDL2.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is an object-oriented GUI library that I'm currently working on. The drawing backend uses an OpenGL batch renderer. Cross-platform system events and windowing is done using SDL2. FreeType2 is used for making bitmaps for drawing text.

Note that the library is very work in progress!






The library is tested and working on Windows 10, Linux (Mint 20.2) and MacOS Big Sur. You will need:

  • C++14 compatible compiler
  • CMake at least 3.16.3
  • SDL2 (Only on Linux. It's used for installing X11 and GL dependencies but I would like to change that in the future)
  • Graphics card that supports OpenGL Core 3.3 at least (Tested on RX 5700XT, Intel HD 3000/4000, Apple M1 and AMD Ryzen R4 4500U)

On debian based system you should be able to install the dependencies like so:

sudo apt install g++ cmake libsdl2-dev

On Windows getting a recent version of Visual Studio Community with C++ build tools and CMake should be enough to build the project.


  1. First make sure you are in the root directory of the project.
  2. Run cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBUILD_ALL_TESTS=ON -DBUILD_ALL_EXAMPLES=ON in the terminal to build the required CMake files.
  3. Building is slightly different using a multi-configuration setup like MSVC or XCode vs G++.
    • When using single-configuration use cmake --build build in the terminal to build the actual project.
    • When using multi-configuration use cmake --build build --config Release in the terminal to build the actual project.
  4. You can verify that the library has built correctly by running one of the example files in the Agro/bin folder.


On Unix platforms you can run cmake --install build to install the library. From then on you can link against the library by specifying its name Agro and including it like so #include <Agro/application.hpp>

The instructions for Windows are incomplete for the moment!