- Ionic app to display a parallax effect so scrolling makes an image move out of view slower than the actual content.
- Another great tutorial from Simon Grimm Youtube: 'Building an Ionic Parallax Image Effect'.
- Angular Attribute directive used to contain code to change the appearance of a DOM element.
- Ionic DomController used with Ion scroll event to read DOM header height and write DOM changes to transform image.
- Ionic v6
- Ionic/angular v6 Ionic Angular building blocks
- Angular v15
- Ionic Native Splash Screen v5 plugin to display and hide a splash screen during application launch. Not actually used yet here.
- npm i to install dependencies
- Type: 'ionic serve' to start the server on _localhost://8100
- Extract from
component initialization lifecycle hook to get an element from the Home page by its class name.
ngOnInit() {
let content = this.element.nativeElement;
this.header = content.getElementsByClassName("parallax-image")[0];
this.domCtrl.read(() => {
this.headerHeight = this.header.clientHeight;
- Use of very compact code (not mine) to produce array list
*ngFor="let i of [].constructor(30)"
- see 👏 Inspiration below - Dom Controller read() and write() functions used so Ionic-Angular schedules read & write operations at the best time. On a related note: DOM updates are better done in batches using the Dom Controller - see JOSH MORONY blog: Increasing Performance with Efficient DOM Writes in Ionic for more on this.
- Use of webkitTransform translate3d function to manipulate the image to give the parallax effect.
- Status: Working
- To-do: Nothing
- Simon Grimm Youtube: 'Building an Ionic Parallax Image Effect'
- Ionic Academy: Building an Ionic Parallax Image Effect [v5]
- Stackoverflow: 'Angular 2 - NgFor using numbers instead collections'
- JOSH MORONY blog: Increasing Performance with Efficient DOM Writes in Ionic
- This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Repo created by ABateman, email: gomezbateman@yahoo.com