- App to store data using the Ionic framework, cordova SQLite database & SQLite Porter and Capacitor.
- Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link
- App allows user to add details of developer and products.
- Initial seed data is a short list of developers and dev skills.
- Run
npm i
to install dependencies - To start the server on localhost://8100 type: 'ionic serve'
function to get details of a developer from the database that return a promise of format Dev
getDeveloper(id): Promise<Dev> {
return this.database.executeSql('SELECT * FROM developer WHERE id = ?', [id]).then(data => {
let skills = [];
if (data.rows.item[0].skills !== '') {
skills = JSON.parse(data.rows.item[0].skills);
return {
id: data.rows.item(0).is,
name: data.rows.item(0).name,
img: data.rows.item[0].img
- storage of data in an SQL database.
- Status: compiles and displays in a dev server. Build webpacks created. Needs implementing on an Android device or simulator to use database etc. Database side not tested.
- To-do: test database to see if it stores Dev and Product details.
- This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Repo created by ABateman, email: gomezbateman@yahoo.com